22: Acceptence

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*Chris POV*

"Hey mom?" I said, my voice trembling with nervousness. She looked up from her phone, giving me a soft smile.

"Yes, honey?" She responded with warmth, sensing my unease.

"I need to tell you something," I said, fidgeting with my fingers, unable to maintain eye contact.

Her expression shifted to concern. "What is it? What's wrong?" She asked, her voice filled with genuine care.

"It's about me and Tyler," I continued, taking a deep breath. "He asked me to be his boyfriend."

She paused for a moment, her eyes widening with surprise. Then, a huge smile slowly formed on her lips. "Oh, sweetheart! I'm so happy for you!" She exclaimed, getting up from her seat and moving closer to give me a hug.

She moved to hug me before hesitating, confusion flickered in her eyes. "Can I hug you?" She asked, her voice filled with a mix of longing and uncertainty.

I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and hope. She approached me with open arms, and as she enveloped me in a warm embrace, I couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions-love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.

"Honey, I am genuinely thrilled for you," she said softly, pulling away from the hug but still holding my hands. "You deserve happiness, and if Tyler makes you happy, then I support your relationship. You've come such a long way, and I'm proud of the person you've become."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and a smile spread across my face. Her words resonated deep within me, soothing any doubts I had about sharing this part of my life with her.

"Thank you, Mom," I choked out, my voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate your understanding and acceptance. It means the everything to me."

She squeezed my hands gently, her eyes reflecting warmth and love. "You're my son, Chris, and I will always love and support you. Tyler is a part of your life now, and I want to get to know him and support your happiness."

I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had my mom's unconditional love and support. In that moment, I realized how lucky I was to have such a caring and understanding mother.

"Thank you, Mom," I repeated, my voice filled with emotion. "I love you."

A soft smile graced her face, and she leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you too, Chris. Remember, I'm here for you, no matter what."

With those words, we shared a special moment of connection and understanding, a bond between a mother and her son that would continue to strengthen as I embarked on this new chapter of my life with Tyler.

Mom returned to her seat at the island and beckoned me to join her. I sat across from her as she pushed a bowl of candy in the middle of us, hinting for me to eat. She always did that. "So tell me about it," she said, giddy with excitement.

"Well, uh, he took me to the fair. We did a bunch of rides and games. And then at the top of the Ferris wheel, he asked me," I explained.

I watched as she looked like a schoolgirl, eating up all the details. "Oh, honey, that's so sweet!" she said. I couldn't help but blush slightly at that. After a few moments of talking, I headed upstairs and decided to lay down. It's hard to believe it's already been two weeks since Tyler asked me to be his boyfriend. Finally, I mustered up the courage to tell my mom. As for my dad, I haven't seen him much since the move. His new position has been taking up a lot of his time. The next time I see him, I'll make sure to tell him the news.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, my alarm was waking me up. I sluggishly got out of bed and started getting ready for school. I quickly showered and dressed in my usual attire-band shirt, skinny jeans, and a hoodie. As I walked downstairs, my mom handed me a breakfast sandwich. I headed out the door and saw Tyler parked in front, propped up against his car with the door open, patiently waiting for me.

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