14: Under the Table

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*Chris POV*

"I have something for you," Tyler said with a smile, and my eyes widened in confusion. "You do?" I asked, trying to make sense of his words. His smile only grew wider as he responded,

"Yeah, now close your eyes." That smile of his never failed to melt my heart, and nervously, I obeyed his request. "No peeking," he teased playfully, and I assured him, "I won't."

Taking a deep breath, I anxiously waited for the surprise. "Okay, open," he exclaimed with excitement evident in his voice. Slowly, I removed my hands from my eyes, and what I saw made my heart skip a beat. Tyler was holding a vinyl record, but not just any vinyl-it was Sempiternal by Bring Me The Horizon, my favorite album. Shock filled my wide eyes, and I stammered, "Really? H-how did you know?" I was genuinely astonished.

Tyler's sheepish smile appeared as he answered, "Your mom told me." A small smile formed on my lips as I thanked him, genuinely touched by his gesture. "Thank you, Tyler. That's amazing," I expressed my gratitude.

Carefully, I took the vinyl from him, and something remarkable happened-I didn't freeze up when our hands touched. It was a significant step forward for me.

As I examined the artwork on the cover, admiring the band and the music that had resonated with me so deeply, Tyler spoke again. "I'm glad you like it," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. This simple gift meant more to me than words could express.

"Let's hang it on your wall," Tyler said eagerly, his eyes filled with anticipation. I glanced at him and quietly nodded, rising from the bed and making my way towards the desk. I picked up a small container of thumbtacks, a gesture that conveyed my readiness. Working together, we carefully placed the vinyl on the wall, securing it with a single tack in the center. As I looked at Tyler, a smile formed on my lips, and I expressed my gratitude, saying, "Thanks for being so kind to me, Tyler."

He returned the smile and replied, "You're welcome. By the way, how about we go grab some food? I know this incredible restaurant." Nervously, I started to protest, but he immediately put my concerns at ease, assuring me, "It's a little place, and we can sit in the corner. I'll even order for you."

I gave a hesitant sigh before agreeing. Tyler gave me that smile that always melted my heart. I don't know how I could ever tell him no.

We walked downstairs, finding my parents engrossed in a TV show. Nervously, I cleared my throat and addressed them, "Uh, Mom, Dad? Do you mind if we go get some food?" Their gazes turned towards us, and they exchanged silent conversations with their eyes. Finally, my father spoke up, "Sure, son." Looking to Tyler he said "Just make sure you have him home by ten." I blushed instantly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exasperation. "Dad," I groaned softly, hoping he wouldn't embarrass me further. He chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes, and advised us to have a good time while being careful.

As we stepped outside, Tyler mentioned casually, "We'll just have to go get my car." Surprised, I looked at him and asked, "You have a car? How old are you?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, a hint of discomfort on his face, and replied, "I'm 16. I got held back."

Realizing that my question might have made him uncomfortable, I quickly apologized, feeling nervous. "Oh, no, it's okay. I didn't mean to upset you I was too. I just expected your parents to drive us is all," I said, hoping to ease any tension.

We quickly reached Tyler's front door, and he paused, turning towards me with a hint of nervousness in his brown eyes. "Hey, so, uh, would you want to come say hi to my parents? If not, it's totally cool. They've been asking about you," he explained, his voice laced with a mix of hope and understanding. Feeling a surge of anxiety, I considered his invitation and replied, "Um, maybe another time?" Tyler responded with a reassuring smile, his eyes conveying his understanding. "Yeah, no problem," he said gently. "Just wait here; I'll let them know and grab my keys."

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