file 017 | a sense of daily life

Start from the beginning

He rolled his eyes, his hands tightening on the steering wheel of the car he was driving. "I'd rather not talk about it," he said bitterly, pressing down on the gas subconsciously. She cleared her throat and he realized, slowing the car down to its original speed. "...he somehow swiped my phone with her number and memorized it."

"And she's pissed at you about it since you were the only one he could have gotten it from?" she continued, barely holding back her laughter.

"Just laugh. I know you want to," he sighed. I'm just lucky it was that phone and not a different one... "Where are we going anyway?"

She just hummed, not giving him an answer. "Make a right turn here."

Looks like he won't know until they get there. Oh, well.

~ — — — ~

"So we're not telling the scientist about this?"

Suzume shook her head, taking a sip from the can of soda in her hand as they walked down the sidewalk. "She's not doing that well after the encounter with those guys at the Haido City Hotel," she told him. "I don't want to ruin her chance of finally feeling a little comfort somewhere."

Hikaru sighed, putting his hands into his pockets. "If you say so," he said, too tired to argue against her decision. "But you'll have to tell her at some point. You know that, right?"

She gave him a look. "Of course I do," she said indignantly. "Just let her relax and heal. I'll figure out the rest. You stay focused on not getting found by them. Remember, you're supposed to be dead."

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled, shaking his head fondly.

"Have you gotten back in contact with your brother yet?" she asked, tilting her head and looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"Niisan is a busy man," Hikaru said as an answer, making her deadpan. He sighed at her look. "Yes, but the conversations have been short." He let out a snort. "If we can even call them conversations."

She gave him a sympathetic pat on the back. "You guys will get there," she assured him. "It just takes time."

He smiled at her. "I know. Just wish it could happen sooner."

"Suzume! Hikaru-san!" Ran called out from behind them, making them turn to look at the approaching girl. She smiled at them. "How have you guys been?"

Hikaru gave her a kind smile. "Same as usual," he said. "How about you, Ran-san?"

"I've been good," she said before looking at Suzume. "Inspector Shiratori's sister has gotten married and they're holding a party in a couple of days. Do you want to be my plus-one?"

Suzume smiled. "Why not? I haven't seen Ninzaburo-nii in a while," she said.

Inspector Shiratori Ninzaburo was one of the police that Suzume was well acquainted with, and they were close enough to where she called him her brother. The first time she called him "Ninzaburo-nii," he was embarrassed for the following few days, much to the amusement of his co-workers.

Ran grinned. "Great!" She paused for a minute. "Did you guys hear about the fire that happened at the Haido City Hotel?"

Hikaru immediately gave Suzume a look, who looked away with an awkward smile. Ran frowned and crossed her arms with a sigh, tapping her foot on the ground.

"I knew it. You had something to do with that, didn't you?" she asked Suzume.

"Maybe," Suzume dragged out, sweatdropping at the narrowed gaze of Ran. She gave in, her shoulders slumping. "Yes."

Ran shook her head, now looking worried. "Everything's become so much more chaotic since our trip to Tropical Land," she murmured, making Suzume's eyes widen and Hikaru pursed his lips. "It feels like a switch in you has been flipped and you've been so on edge, more than you usually are." She looked at her friend. "You'll tell me what's going on when you're ready, right?"

Suzume nodded immediately. "Of course," she said, pulling her friend in for a hug. "For better or worse, I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"That's all I ask," Ran said, making eye contact with Hikaru, both wordlessly sharing their concerns about the Kudo with each other.

~ — — — ~

"He has her phone number?" he muttered, narrowing his eyes at his phone screen that displayed a text from Suzume. "How did he get it?"

"Shu?" his colleague said, making him glance up at her. "Are you okay?"

He sighed, putting his phone into his jacket pocket. "Not really," he said. "That girl I told you about from New York a year ago, remember her?" She nodded. "She's gotten involved with the Organization and is protecting a person of interest of theirs. And, for reasons beyond comprehension, Gin of all people has gotten hold of her phone number."

Jodie Starling's eyebrows furrowed together as she frowned. "She's not dead?" she asked, confused.

"He left her alive after their first meeting when she listened in on a blackmail deal," he told her. "And left her alive again after she managed to protect someone from him."

"Sounds like he's fascinated with her," Jodie pointed out, making him scowl at the mere thought. "You really care about this girl, don't you?"

He was silent for a minute. "I've technically known this girl for ten years," he said quietly, surprising her. "And I've had a year since New York." His eyes hardened. "I can't let her go again. I can't."

Jodie frowned. She prayed that this girl stayed safe because she didn't know what he would do if the girl was injured or killed because of the Black Organization.

Oblivious to his friend's thoughts, he glared at the wall, imagining it to be Gin and his smug smirk. Watch your back, Gin, he thought darkly. Harm her and you'll wish you never joined the Black Organization.

Fun Facts —
— Ah, with that last scene, did that sound a little...yandere-ish?
— Also, random question: What song do you think describes Suzume from what you've read so far? I'm curious and am also looking for new songs to listen to. I like discovering new music.

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