Leader Of The Epic (Ryuu)

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In the darkness of the night, we sprinted through the forest towards the castle of the fifth epic, illuminated by the moon and stars. We knew we had to stop the enemy before they could carry out their plan. My other friends remained behind with Lokash to confront the paladins, Those who were with me were preparing to face the fifth epic.

After moving south for a while, we finally reached a large castle on a hill overlooking the sea - the supposed home of the Leader of the Epics. Without hesitation, we rushed inside, unsure of how much time we had.

The interior of the castle was darker than the outside, devoid of any soldiers or occupants. We walked down a long corridor and found the fifth epic at the end, holding Lezlie's necklace which had been altered from its original state and was now glowing with intense energy. With a single hand gesture, the fifth epic pinned us against the wall and donned the necklace around their neck.

"When the world gains meaning, destruction reappears and does what must be done. Your efforts are futile for the sake of this meaning, so you will personally witness the end of your world," he said with a great noise.

Raising his hands, the fifth epic dismantled the top of the castle, exposing the inside of the castle to the moonlight. Then he summoned a massive object from the sky using the power of the necklace. It wasn't until Lezlie looked up at the moon in awe and exclaimed, "Epic is luring the big moon here?" that we realized the fifth epic was attempting to collide the moon with Earth, an act that would lead to the end of the world.

As the moon grew larger in our eyes with each passing minute, it seemed to be speeding towards the earth. Our only option was to stop the Epic, who was using his power to bring down the moon while also preventing us from moving.

We knew that the enemy couldn't focus all his power on both tasks at once. So we seized the opportunity to attack while his attention was on the moon. Wedan used his ice power, Lezlie his earth power, Rose her vines, Hiroshi his weapon, and I breathed fire as we launched a simultaneous assault.

The Epic released us to respond to our attacks but managed to block them all with a single move. He was still strong, so we had to give it everything we had. Wedan stepped forward and hurled a shower of icicles at the Epic, but he easily dodged them with his telekinesis. Undeterred, Wedan continued his attack, trying to squeeze the Epic with ice.

Lezlie used her earth power to shake the ground beneath the Epic and hurled huge boulders at him. But he dodged them effortlessly with his lightning speed. Hiroshi drew his pistols and fired at the Epic, but he caught each bullet with his telekinesis and stopped them in mid-air. Hiroshi quickly reloaded, but Epic was faster and returned the bullets. Hiroshi was looking for a way to escape when the bullets were directed at Hiroshi. Wedan saved Hiroshi by creating an ice wall to block them. Things were happening at an incredible pace.

Rose rushed forward with her sword and swung it at the Epic. Vines sprouted from the tip of her sword, trying to bind him. But he broke them with a single hand movement. As he prepared to attack Rose, I jumped in front of him and launched a close-range assault.

While everyone else was trying to attack from behind, I did something dangerous. I attacked with my fists, the only thing I could do. The epic dodged my fists and reached out his hand to attack me. With my dragon eyes, I could see his attacks, but it was very difficult to see his telekinesis power.

He threw me away, and I breathed fire at him once more. The enemy turned the fire coming towards him into Wedan's ice attack, melting the ice that came. I got closer and swung my fist at him, but he dodged my fist and knocked me down with his telekinesis power. Whenever I approached him, he could easily respond to me.

When he concentrated on the attacks coming from the other side, I rose up, supported by the ground, and managed to punch him in the jaw. The epic threw me quite hard to the side of the others, but I managed to stop myself by pressing the ground with my claws. The enemy may have been strong, but my anger gave me so much energy to fight against him.

We all tried to attack the enemy from one side at the same time, but he used his power to send us all flying through the air. It was very difficult to attack the enemy while levitating. So we tried to try to do something to get out of the situation we were in.

We held hands and formed a certain alignment. Then, everyone threw me, who was at the back, at the enemy with all their strength. The enemy's telekinesis could not prevent me from landing hard on him, but he managed to escape from the attack.

However, the enemy's focus was scattered, and he could not fly the others anymore. When everyone was on their feet, we continued to attack together in unison.

The Leader of the Epics could have attacked us with all his might if he wanted to, but instead, he was using some of his power to bring down the moon. At first, I didn't understand why he was doing this, but then I realized that the energy the necklace was receiving was not sustained. It was as if the energy of the necklace was diminishing. This meant that it became less and less bright compared to its initial form.

The fifth epic was racing against time, determined to bring about the end of the world once and for all. He was holding onto the moon tightly, and it was bad that the moon was getting closer and closer to the atmosphere. However, on the other hand, it was very useful for us that he did use part of his power for the moon. This meant we had to take advantage of the moment to attack the enemy with all the power we had.

The enemy was very confident that he could defeat us, and he was also very strong.

Lezlie raised the soil on the ground and threw it at the enemy. The enemy fled from the attack, but the attack did not stop with the soil. Rose made a surprise attack on the enemy by pulling out her vines from the raised soil. The enemy managed to narrowly escape the attack with a sudden maneuver.

Wedan was blocking the point where the Epic jumped with his ice, making an ice cell for him, trying to squeeze him into space. The Leader of the Epics had broken the ice and pulled himself out of the ice. Wedan put the ice blocks he had formed in front of me and asked me to punch the ice to throw them at the enemy.

I punched the ice masses hard and powerfully, throwing them at the Epic. He used his powers to change the direction of the incoming ice and shatter some of them.

Hiroshi surprised Epic with a different gun, firing three bullets simultaneously from different directions. The bullets traveled in different directions, but they were aimed at a single enemy. However, the Epic effortlessly redirected the bullets toward the group, causing Wedan to sustain a minor injury.

Lezlie attempted to attack the Epic with her magic, but he cleverly used the surrounding rubble to shield himself and evade her spell. In response, Rose quickly created a barrier using her vines to protect the group from the incoming debris.

Despite our numerical superiority, the enemy was fighting a good war against us. The fifth epic was certainly as powerful as rumored.

Undeterred, the team continued their relentless assault on the Epic, utilizing all the weapons at their disposal. Wedan covered his hammer in ice and attacked the Epic up close, while Lezlie wielded her wand and cast spells from a distance. Hiroshi took shots at the enemy from afar, while Rose used her vines to immobilize the Epic and make him an easier target.

Despite their efforts, the Epic persisted in his resistance, and the team knew they had to act quickly to prevent the moon from entering the earth's atmosphere and allowing the fifth epic to succeed in his plan to end the world. They continued to attack relentlessly, protecting each other as they fought toward their goal. And I was thinking of a tactic to defeat the enemy.

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