The Fall Of The Falcon

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After the second elite soldier landed, he turned his attention towards Lezlie due to his powerful attacks. He started approaching her with slow steps, intending to finish her off by heading towards the right. I knew I had to act quickly to help her.

The soldier grabbed Lezlie by her hair and started pulling her up hard, intending to kill her. I got up with a rush and aimed at the other chain of the big signboard. One chain was already broken from the soldier's attack. If I could make a balanced shot, the signboard would fall directly on the elite soldier.

I took a deep breath and fired a single shot. As I had hoped, the signboard fell directly towards the soldier's head. However, the soldier was quick to react and realized the impending danger. He left Lezlie for a moment and wrapped his wings around himself to protect himself from the falling sign.

Taking advantage of the soldier's momentary distraction, Lezlie managed to get away and approach me with confidence. She found the enemy's silence strange and asked a question that I couldn't answer.

"Did we make it? Do you think he's dead?"

"I don't think so. He didn't look like someone who would die so easily."

My words were proven right, as the soldier soon resumed his attack, having escaped with minimal damage. The red hawk smashed the signboard above him, causing Lezlie to suggest a strategy.

"His wings. If he can't fly, we have the advantage. We need to keep him as low as possible."

I asked, "But how do we do that?"

The second elite soldier charged towards us once again, swinging his fist at us with the same speed as before. I tried to stop him using my water power, but he managed to pass through without taking any damage. Lezlie used her spells against him again, trying to stop him, and although it didn't completely stop him, we managed to slow him down.

As he turned towards me, I used my sound waves to make him turn his head completely towards me. Lezlie then used a spiralling spell to bring him to one knee, and I hit him hard in the head with my bow. However, he still had the strength to hold onto it, and I was immobilised when I held onto my bow. Lezlie then hit him hard in the stomach with her earth power.

Lezlie was about to throw a kick, but the second elite soldier grabbed her by the leg and pulled her away from us. The elite soldier then targeted me and threw a hard shoulder, freeing himself again. We couldn't let him be free for long, so Lezlie used her earth power from one corner and ı used my water power from the other corner to make it difficult for him.

As he took to the air, I returned fire with my arrows, and Lezlie raised the earth from the ground towards him. Despite dodging both arrows and the rocks, the red hawk didn't lose its form and continued to attack and oppose us at the same speed. When the winged elite soldier turned towards me again, I gave a signal by nodding my head to Lezlie.

After Lezlie understood the signal, he suddenly raised the ground beneath me, lifting me over the top of the elite soldier. This way, I could now shoot my arrows from behind him. One or two of my shots hit, but it didn't stop the elite soldier. As he approached the direction I landed, Lezlie pulled his attention from under him and hit him hard with his magic. While he was focused on Lezlie, I used my water power to continue to annoy him.

Lezlie and I attacked from separate places, not only distracting him but also confusing him. However, we weren't sure how long we could keep this up. At any moment, the elite soldier could develop a strategy and attack us quickly. We had two goals to defeat him now. The first was to make him fly as little as possible, and the second was to take as few hits as possible; otherwise, our success rate might suffer. So we kept him as far away from us as possible.

The second elite soldier was unresponsive to our attacks for a while until we reduced the number of targets to one. When he dodged our attacks, he threw a large piece of a building at Lezlie, distracting her and drawing her focus to me. He came at me in one go and grabbed me by the throat before I knew what was happening. I was immobilized, unable to use my voice or my water power.

"But you've been troublesome. But it'll be worth it when I kill you," he said.

"You might want to think again."

After I stuck the arrow I kept in my hand into the arm of the elite soldier, I was free. I was trying to get away by emitting a sound wave, but the elite soldier who was swooping down on me in anger was stopped by the earthen wall in front of me. Instead of smashing the wall, he turned towards Lezlie to attack her. While she was running forward and using her spells against the elite soldier, I had a super idea. While the elite soldier was focused on Lezlie, I started running with all my strength.

I had to reach the top quickly and then execute my plan. I ran after them, climbing the roof of the nearby house. I knew Lezlie was in trouble, so I had to hurry. Once I reached the height I needed, I jumped off the roof onto the winged elite soldier's back. Unaware of what was happening, the winged elite soldier was being strangled by the bow I had wrapped around his neck. I was strangling him, but he was grabbing Lezlie and choking her.

Neither of us was going to let go easily, so the winged soldier decided to take us on by ascending into the sky, his domain. We reached a height so high that even the clouds were below us. Although he had difficulty reaching his back because of his wings, he extended his other arm to me. I dodged his incoming arm blows while Lezlie was gradually drowning. With all my strength, I applied pressure on his exposed wing, making him turn upside down. When the elite soldier, caught off balance, turned on his back, Lezlie kicked him in the stomach and got rid of him.

I distracted him with my sound wave to prevent him from taking control again. Lezlie was sending spells from top to bottom, causing him to take damage. When he fired his spells, I charged his wings with all my power, turning his face down. Then, I pulled my bow from his throat and started shooting my arrows countlessly at his back. At that moment, Lezlie used all her magic power and I used my sound waves with all the power I had left, and we responded strongly against the elite soldier, at the same time.

The stunned elite soldier crashed hard to the ground after taking that blow, and we managed to get down safely thanks to Lezlie.

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