Dragon's Test

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My uncle fell silent for several minutes after hearing my words. He was aware that war was inevitable and that we could not avoid it. He also understood that we could not defeat the monster without the dragon's assistance.

We needed each other's help to face the enemy as a united front; otherwise, our army would be meaningless in battle.

Although my uncle was a stern man, he was hesitant to let me go because I was part of his family - perhaps because I was the only one left. But who else could pass the test?

Putting his emotions aside and acting on his judgment, my uncle finally spoke.

"Very well," he said reluctantly. "As much as I hate to admit it, we need the dragon. And we need your help."

"Thank you for trusting me, Uncle," I replied.

"Just try not to die, son," he said. "Or your mother will never forgive me."

Upon hearing my uncle's words, we quickly left the house and headed toward the island's volcano. As we approached the active volcano, spewing lava, the environment grew increasingly hot. Babu's breathlessness was a clear indication of the intense heat.

The heat was so intense that no living creature or plant could survive near the volcano. I couldn't recall ever sweating this much, even during training.

When we reached the top of the volcano, my uncle approached me, shouting slightly due to the heat and tension of our surroundings.

"Listen carefully, kid," he said. "From here on out, you must continue alone. You will jump into the volcano."

Babu and Rose were taken aback by his words and spoke simultaneously.

"What is he going to do?" they asked.

"Don't worry," my uncle replied. "Ryuu will fall onto a stratum. That's where the real action begins."

"What should I do then?" I asked.

"There are chains on the sides of the stratum," my uncle explained. "Grab them with both hands and pull as hard as you can. Lava will rain down on you from the walls of the volcano. Keep holding onto the chains until the test is over."

"Will it kill me?" I asked.

"It's a magical test," my uncle replied. "If you succeed, you'll emerge unscathed. But if you fail, you'll melt into the lava and die. Remember, whenever the lava touches you, it will feel real. The test may be magical, but it will be just as painful. Do you understand?"

I nodded in response to my uncle's question. He looked at me one last time before leaving with the others.

"Be careful, kid," he said.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself before jumping into the volcano. I was trying to keep them from catching fire by taking off the shoes on my feet and the clothes I was wearing. When I had only my trousers on, I was ready to jump. I wasn't sure if I could make it, but I knew everyone else was counting on me, so I had to do my best.

As I fell into the volcano, just like my uncle said, I landed on a layer. Despite the intense heat, I managed to survive. However, my feet were already feeling the heat, and I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

I quickly grabbed the chains that were standing on my right and left, clutching them tightly in my hands. With all my strength, I began to pull the chains, but at first, nothing happened. Then, as my uncle had warned me, the lava began to flow from the volcano walls toward me.

As the molten lava made contact with my skin, the pain was excruciating. Even though I knew it was just a test, it felt as though my skin was being ripped apart. My hands shook involuntarily, and I couldn't help but scream in agony.

I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on, I didn't remember feeling such pain before, I tried to hold myself back as much as I could.

I could feel the pain in every bone and vein in my body. Just when I was about to give up, I involuntarily closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I found myself in darkness. Was I having the same dream again, but this time without feeling it? Where was I?

There were no wounds on my body and I didn't feel any burning heat around me. As I pondered my whereabouts, a voice emerged from the darkness.

"Ryuu Okami, you have passed the endurance test. To complete it, you must do one more thing: tell me your purpose."

I hadn't thought about it until the question was asked. Although I had much to say, what I wanted to convey was actually very little. How could I convince a dragon with words? I had to speak clearly and precisely based on what I had learned and experienced.

"Dragon, you know who I am and probably what I'm here for. If you still ask about my purpose, then I'll tell you: I want to protect my friends and bring justice and peace to the people."

"Don't you want to avenge your mother, Ryuu?"

"What I want is not revenge but justice. Just as you do. So either help me in the battle to protect my friends or become my enemy."

"Very well, Ryuu Okami. You've convinced me. A power that until now only the dragon's owners have known, but no one else has had access to. The purity of your heart and your courage have earned you this. The eyes of the dragon are yours and I am now at your command."

As my eyes involuntarily closed and opened once more, the lava swamp beneath me seemed to dry up in an instant. Two huge red eyes appeared from the cellar-like entrance in front of me. Then a very large dragon emerged from the cellar entrance. It was much larger than I had imagined.

When the dragon stopped in front of me, it craned its neck toward me as if it wanted me to ride on it.

I jumped onto the dragon's back and made my way to the others. They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw me. My uncle was quite surprised. I flew swiftly towards them on the dragon. When I got there, I lowered the dragon to the ground and started talking to my uncle.

"Uncle, get your men ready. We're going to war."

My uncle grinned happily at my words and wanted to prepare me for battle before I left.

"Let's find something for you to wear first."

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