Back Together Again (Wedan)

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After defeating the third epic and the remaining elite soldiers, the enemy army retreated and disappeared. Our victory was celebrated as we returned to the campsite while the king sent a few dozen soldiers to find them.

I had used so much of my ice power that I could no longer produce ice to put on my head. Hiroshi and Shou were also wounded, but their injuries were not major. We won the battle with mostly minor scratches and scrapes, but also with severe back pain.

When we got back to the camp, a dozen horses approached from the south. I could tell they were ours by the kingly armor on the horses. As they approached, it was clear that they had succeeded because almost everyone was unharmed.

Hiroshi, who was standing next to me with his cigar in his mouth, said "Looks like they made it."

"Did you have any doubts?" I asked.

"Not as much as you," he replied. "But ı must admit I was surprised."

"Speaking of surprise, what you did back there was pretty smart. You saved our lives. You're pretty good for an ordinary person. And I never thought I'd say this, but thanks." I said with a smile.

"You're not bad yourself, mate," he said. "You and Shou gave him a hard time. But I'm glad we made it."

"Yeah, me too," I said.

"When you've spoken to the others," he continued, "you'll come to the king's tent. I and Shou will be there. It seems the king has more to say."

Hiroshi and Shou made their way to the king's tent while I waited for Mila and the others to arrive. When the horses entered the campsite, I went to meet them.

Mila got off her horse with excitement and ran straight to me, hugging me tightly. I didn't understand what was happening, but I liked the feeling.

"If I had known you missed me so much, I would have come with you," I said.

"Thank you," she replied. "The bow you gave me was very useful."

"I'm glad to hear it," I said.

As we continued to talk, Babu and Lezlie approached us.

"Lezlie and I had a hard time," Mila said. "But we managed to defeat the winged one.

"And I defeated the first elite soldier by myself," Babu added.

"Sounds like it went pretty well," I said. "Were you injured?"

Babu was pleased with the praise, but his stomach growled. "I'm fine," he said. "But if there's anything to eat, I'll eat it."

Lezlie grabbed Babu from behind and pushed him forwards. "Come on, big bear," she said. "Let's find something to eat."

When they left, Mila and I were alone. I could see that the wound on her hand was hurting her. When I grabbed her hand to take a closer look, Mila blushed and asked me, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking at the wound on your hand," I replied.

Mila pulled her hand back. "It's nothing," she said. "Just a scratch."

"Come on," I said. "Let's dress your hand."

Mila was hesitant to go to the infirmary, but she knew the pain wouldn't go away easily. So she followed me as I led the way. When we arrived at the infirmary, I applied a medicinal herb to her hand and began wrapping the wound with a bandage. As I worked, we talked.

"Tell me," I said. "How was your war?"

"It was very tiring and difficult," she replied. "But as you can see, we're still alive."

Wolf Bloodline; Part 2Where stories live. Discover now