Cold Forest

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As the sun was surrounded by clouds, the weather was cloudy. There were no cool winds blowing, no reflected sun, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious. I didn't know why such a person was chosen or whether he was a good person or not. All I knew was that I was continuing to follow the map. So far the map had always shown the right person and the right point, so I continued to follow him without doubting the map.

At the end of the ice, I took the map in my hand and decided to follow him on the map. But there was nothing on the map about my destination. There was only a light that was blinking vaguely. Usually, the light would appear as a destination, but this time the light was blinking strangely and appearing in different places.

The most logical thing to do for the moment was to stay on the path I was on until I found another clue about Wedan without deviating from the road. I continued on the road quickly and cautiously without attracting attention. After this hour, the only thing I could do now was to use my senses, but I was not successful in this regard.

There were no footprints on the ground and the crows were strangely silent. I had to do something to get rid of the increasingly strange situation. With the wind blowing, I felt as if something was approaching me, but I did not pay attention to it, thinking that it was just the wind.

Although my eyes looked around, there was no movement around. Maybe I should go back to the village and wait for him there until Wedan came. I would rest during this time. Somehow I wanted it very much, but my feet did not want to go because I wanted to accomplish the mission as soon as possible and prove myself.

As my father said, I should not leave tomorrow's work for today. As I decided to move forward a little further, suddenly an unknown cold surrounded me. It was a hazy cold, just like the cold I felt in the restaurant. I knew something was wrong. When I realised that I was being watched, I wanted to throw myself back.

But soon two jagged pieces of ice approached in front of me and suddenly rose from the ground to my throat, preventing me from moving. I knew that if I moved, the ice would cut my throat. Before I could realise what was happening, a strong young voice rose up in front of me.

"Why are you following me?"

I didn't know where this was going and I didn't know who he was, so I had to get information first rather than give it.

"I came here to talk to you about something important."

"Oh yeah? What's so important?"

"Before I tell you, I need to know. Do you have someone you work with?"

"Who's like epic?"

"Yeah, like him."

"You're not from around here, that's obvious. But judging by the map in your hand, you're where you want to be."

I didn't want to tell her, but the conversation wasn't going any other way, so I told her what I wanted to tell her.

"My name is Mila. I come from the second kingdom. My friends and I are forming a group. A group that will fight against the epics and their armies. And the map showed that you were next in line. That's why I'm here."

Wedan started to giggle incomprehensibly after my speech. He approached me with slow steps, taking off his cloak on his head.

"Tell me how it will be."

I knew he was a tall, well-built man, but his face was not at all what I expected. He had long white hair and fair skin color, as if he was my age.

"If you help us, we can bring peace and tranquility to the world."

"You may be beautiful, but your powers of persuasion are very bad, beauty."

"Don't you want to bring peace and tranquility? To help people?"

"Even if you defeat the epics, you can't bring peace in the world. The world is full of evil. There's always something new. War never ends."

"I know it's hard to believe, but if we don't make an effort today, no one will make an effort for us tomorrow. We have to use what we have and show people, breeds, everyone that we tried. That's the only way we can change the world."

"Okay, I'm a bit convinced, but I still don't want to join your ridiculous team."

Speaking in a mocking tone, he turned around and started walking off without a care in the world. I couldn't just let him walk away. I had to say something.

"Are you scared?"

"I realise what you're trying to do, but it won't work."

Wedan continued walking without a care and when the ice in front of me thawed, I followed him. I had to convince him.

I wanted to convince him no matter what and prove myself to the others. I had to show that I could do it as a princess.

All the way I followed Wedan, I kept trying to persuade him to come with me. But he didn't pay any attention. He just kept walking along the road in silence, as if I didn't exist.

As I followed Wedan, I made repeated attempts to persuade him to join our war. However, my efforts were in vain, as he remained oblivious to my presence and continued to walk along the road in silence.

Finally, we arrived at a deserted house in the middle of the forest, the house did not look very big from the outside, but it was ideal for a person.

It was quite obvious that Wedan lived here and judging by his house he didn't seem to have many friends, or maybe he was just very unattractive. Since my aim was not to judge him, my persuasive efforts continued until we reached the house.

Wolf Bloodline; Part 2Where stories live. Discover now