The Truth Of The Matter

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Since the warrior gates of the Colosseum were still sealed, I was the only one inside the arena. As a result of being thrown by Miron, my cloak had been torn off and lay crumpled on the ground.

I needed to get back to Rose's area, but it was too high for me to reach and the Colosseum was completely sealed off. The only way in or out was through the gates that would soon open for the warriors to enter.

Even if I was searched and recognized, I didn't think any soldiers would interfere with me until the tournament was over. To do so would risk angering the people. The kings were currently in an urgent meeting and their focus would not be on the battle for the time being.

I also realized that the gates were enchanted. I had thought to throw myself out as the warriors arrived and the gates opened, but a powerful spell held them fast and prevented anyone from passing through. It seemed that no one could enter or leave until the tournament was over.

I knew that my only option was to fight in the tournament, as much as I didn't want to. At least until the kings recognized me and intervened.

As the horns sounded, the gates in front of me slowly began to open. It was time for the tournament to begin. Warriors of all kinds and from different bloodlines would soon be flocking to the arena. I prepared myself, taking up a battle stance and ready to greet them.

As the gates opened, I could hear the sound of many footsteps approaching. It seemed that more people were attending the tournament than I had anticipated. By the time they appeared behind the gates, more than fifty warriors were running towards the coliseum grounds.

In such a dense crowd, any sudden aggression on my part could draw unwanted attention. So I made a quick move and threw myself backwards with a high jump.

In seconds, the empty coliseum had turned into a huge battlefield. Some warriors wielded axes, others swords, while still, others fought with their bare hands, attacking their opponents without mercy.

There were strong fighters among them, but also those who lacked power. While one punch was enough to knock some down, I had to hit others several times before they fell. I tried not to use all my strength since my goal was not to kill anyone, but the opponents kept coming and coming.

I couldn't afford to expend all my energy in a single breath. I continued to avoid fights as much as I could, but it seemed like an endless line of warriors trying to attack me. Perhaps it was because I was a wanted person and had left a bad impression in the eyes of the people due to the king's order.

For the time being, although I had no difficulty with the warriors I was fighting, I could sense that there were stronger fighters among them, and their attack could come at any moment.


The morning of the tournament day, two hours before the tournament;

The prince and I traveled a long way and arrived in the city just in time for the tournament. We made it without any trouble, without being followed or captured by any paladins along the way.

The city was quite crowded compared to others I had seen. It wouldn't be easy to find Ryuu and the others in such a throng of people. Fortunately, I knew they were at the tournament, so we continued on our way, blending in with the crowd and keeping a low profile.

The festivities in the city seemed to stretch all the way to the Coliseum. There was only one direction that people were excitedly heading towards, as the prince had told me before we arrived. Since we were blending in with the crowd, the soldiers didn't pay us any attention. Instead, they were more focused on guarding the palace.

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