Witch Attack (Lezlie)

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With my new wand, I was able to fight the enemies more easily. Not only that, but the wand also helped me with the spells and powers I used, just as the old man had said.

As the battle grew more complicated, friend and foe became intertwined. I couldn't easily pass through them to escape, so I had to continue fighting. The opposing army was as diverse as our army, but as long as there was hope, the war would continue unabated.

The spells I cast with my wand were enough to knock down those around me.

I wanted to take down the enemy catapults and heavy weapons before more enemies arrived. This would give us an advantage in the battle. Using both my magic and earth powers, I quickly reached the enemy weapons before reinforcements arrived.

Surprisingly, there was no one guarding the weapons except for those operating them. Compared to us, they seemed unprotected. I knew it was a trap.

With the passing of the seconds, what I had thought had happened to me. A large man charged toward me. Using my magic, I created a shield to block his attack. However, he was stronger than I thought and managed to push me back. As we moved away from the weapons, he spoke:

"Stay back, witch, or I'll kill you."

From his speech and movements, it was clear that he was an elite soldier - half animal and half human.

I didn't want to interrupt him but felt compelled to issue a warning before the battle resumed.

"Move aside, elite soldier, or suffer the consequences."

The elite soldier spoke to me in a different tone. "Your spells and powers won't work on me, witch. I never lose battles."

Suddenly, without warning, bombs rained down from above and blew up all the weapons behind the elite soldier. I was momentarily stunned until Prince Arthur landed next to me. Apparently, it was Prince Arthur himself who dropped the bombs.

"Prince Arthur, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm supporting the war and trying to right a wrong I made. I'm sorry, Lezlie. I didn't mean to upset or offend anyone. I just wanted to see my friends one last time. You were right - I should have asked you first."

I could see the shame and regret on the prince's face. I wanted to talk to him more about what had happened, but we had more pressing matters at hand.

"Let's put that aside for now," I said. "We have an elite soldier to deal with."

The elite soldier realized that he was now outnumbered. "How nice," he sneered. "I get to kill two instead of one."

Prince Arthur unsheathed a sword I had never seen before and stood ready to fight alongside me.

When the enemy saw that we were armed, he took two sledgehammers from his back to even the odds. Despite being outnumbered, he seemed confident and showed no fear.

He gripped his weapons tightly and prepared to attack. He raised the larger sledgehammer in his left hand and swung it down at me with ease.

I thrust my staff forward and created a protective circle around myself with my magic. It was small but enough to enclose me. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to include the prince.

The enemy saw that the prince was exposed and swung his other sledgehammer at him. The prince struck back with his sword and dodged the blow, but the impact knocked him back.

The elite soldier hit the prince so hard that he smashed a few trees behind him. I raised my staff and pushed the sledgehammer away with my magic. Then I extended the earth from the ground and aimed for the enemy's head.

The enemy blocked my earth attack with his arm. At that moment, the prince leapt towards the elite soldier to attack again. The soldier turned his sledgehammers towards the prince without missing a beat.

The prince narrowly avoided the blows and I fired spells at the enemy like bullets. They didn't do much damage but they did distract him. The elite soldier knew I'd be a big problem for him.

The elite soldier turned his attention towards me and swung his sledgehammers faster than before. I threw myself back and managed to dodge the attack.

As I prepared to strike again with my staff, the prince moved forward to support me. We both knew that single attacks wouldn't be enough to defeat the enemy. I directed three huge chunks of earth toward the elite soldier while the prince jumped over them, confusing the enemy and looking for an opportunity to strike.

The prince got very close to the enemy and made an unexpected move - he jumped high into the air. His aim was to descend on the soldier, but Prince Arthur didn't realize what would happen.

The elite soldier threw one of his sledgehammers at the prince and used the other to stop the chunks of earth that were approaching him.

The prince dodged the sledgehammer with his sword but couldn't attack the elite soldier. When the elite soldier got his sledgehammer back, he was once again in front of us with sledgehammers in his hands. With his jump, the prince managed to get behind the enemy, and I was in front of the enemy. Despite the attacks and our superior numbers, the enemy kept his cool.

There were no other enemies around except the elite soldier, which was good for us, but we had to be careful and keep our guard up just in case.

Otherwise, I was sure the enemy had an idea in mind.

With the winds blowing, we expected the attacks to continue, but the silence continued for a short time. It was difficult to predict what the enemy would respond with.

When the Elite soldier gripped his sledgehammers tightly, I knew it was only a matter of time before he attacked.

I was sure that if Prince Arthur and I kept attacking, we could defeat him.

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