Until We Meet Again

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Third Kingdom, Castle Of The Third Epic;

The third epic was seated on his throne, holding a meeting with his elite soldiers in front of him. Furon's favorite, the first elite soldier, sat on the steps, sharpening his axe and listening to his comrades. Furon had eyes in many places, but he still wanted to hear from his men. The third elite soldier was the first to speak.

"Sir, the prisoner Hiroshi has escaped, apparently with Lena's help."

The fifth elite soldier interjected.

"Sir, I always knew he was a traitor. If you allow me, I can organize a group and go after him."

The third epic spoke calmly, responding to the fifth.

"As I told you, how can you do that when you failed to kidnap the people in the village, Fifth?"

"But sir, as I told you, the White Death was there."

Furon raised his hand slightly to silence him. At Furon's warning, he closed his mouth. Then Furon turned his head to the second.

"Tell me, Second, what happened to our beloved princess?"

The winged one stepped forward and coldly explained what had happened in a single sentence.

"I went after her as you asked, but Wedan got in my way and drove her away from me."

"I guess we should've killed him when we had the chance," said Furon.

"Next time I'll finish him off directly, sir," replied the winged one.

Furon put his hand under his chin and began to laugh slyly as if he had all sorts of ideas in his head, but he hadn't yet thought of his next move.

"They're smarter and more cunning than I thought, but it won't be enough," he said.

Furon was confronted by a well-known and feared figure, who approached him with slow steps.

"If you think they're not enough, I'd like you to think again," the figure said.

Furon smiled a wicked smile at the person who had come. No one, including Furon, had expected him to be there.

"Ha ha ha ha...Miron," Furon said. "I hope you're not angry with me for spoiling your party with the kings, or is that the reason for your visit?"

Miron was much calmer than Furon, and he seemed more interested in talking than attacking.

"You know I like revenge, Furon, but that's not why I came here."

"What brings you here, then, old friend? Is it another letter-swapping mission?"

"Not a mission, a partnership," Miron said. "The so-called warriors that your incompetent men tried to capture but failed to do so are under the protection of the winged ones."

"So what? You can catch them. After all, the lineage of death works for you," Furon said.

"Yeah, but as you say, they're more cunning than they look. Besides, don't you want to make your boss happy, the fourth epic?" Miron asked.

"I'm sure he'd be happy if I brought him your head. Am I right, boys?" Furon asked his men.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Miron said.

"Why not? Enlighten us," Furon said.

"Because, Because if you kill me, you know what will happen to you," Miron replied.

Furon approached Miron with slow steps, and the tension in the atmosphere grew. When Furon stood in front of Miron, he lowered his head and said to the shorter Miron, "I may not be able to kill you now, but when our army and the fourth epic battles are won, I will break your neck.

"Until then, you will gather your team and join me in battle," Miron said resolutely.

"I can see the fear on your face, Miron. You're afraid that the boy is the one you've been waiting for."Furon was trying to irritate Miron with his words.

Miron was seized with uncontrollable anger at Furon's words, and it was easy to see it in his face and words. "After I kill the boy, I will destroy you and the fourth Epic with your team. But for now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Then tell me, how will you lure them to us?"

Miron showed the unconscious Rose to Furon and managed to convince him. "Leave that to me," Miron said.

Furon laughed wickedly again. Now that he had a plan in mind, he knew his next target. "This is going to be fun."


Nest Of Winged People;

What is this thing I'm feeling? I'm in the dark, but a chill runs through my body. It's such a chill that it feels like eternal fear.

I see Ryuu in front of me, I want to call out to him but it's like he's changed or something.

When I opened my eyes again, I realized that I was lying on a stretcher. I wasn't in much pain, except for some minor injuries, and I wasn't having any trouble moving, so I just stood up, surprised.

I was happy to see a familiar face sitting in the chair next to me, waiting for me to wake up. Lezlie was relieved to see me alive.

"Babu, are you alright? You fell quite hard from a very high place."

"How did I get here?"

"When I was helping people, I saw you fall. Luckily, Shou found us, helped me, and brought you here."

"What about Ryuu? Where is he?"

"Unfortunately, there's no sign of Ryuu. But rumor has it there was a man who distracted the beast, and they fought quite a loud battle."

"Is that so?"

"The beast was recalled by its owner. And The man who fought the monster left with a wounded young man on his shoulder, but we don't know how true it is, and there was no trace of them."

"Tell me, where exactly are we?"

"Don't worry, we're safe. We're in the winged nest."

"The winged ones?"

"Yes, I almost forgot. The others are waiting for us. Come on."

Lezlie's words were either incomprehensible or I had hit my head too hard. I didn't fully understand why or how we came here, but I was sure that I would get my answer soon.

Apparently, Lezlie was excited because she was moving quite fast. I, who was behind her, was already tired.

"Lezlie, a panda who just woke up from sleep can't walk so fast. Wait for me," I said.

Lezlie slowed down at my words. "Excuse me," she said.

When I approached Lezlie, I wanted to ask her again. "Who are you talking about when you say 'the others'?"

Lezlie answered me with a smile. "You'll see."

Wolf Bloodline; Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin