Mila's Journey (Mila)

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Two Weeks Ago

It had been about eight hours since I left the others. Although it wasn't long, with the sunrise, I was still on my way. I was excited to have such a big task for the first time, so I continued to walk without sleeping or resting.

There was nothing but trees in the forest along the road I was walking. Only the sounds of the wind hitting the branches were distracting me, making me nervous. Whenever a branch hit a tree or a sound was made, I would take caution, slow myself down, and observe my surroundings.

Fortunately, I managed to cross the forest without any trouble. Nothing happened along the straight road I was walking on, except for one strange incident. I accidentally tripped over a branch and when I tilted my head towards the road, a large winged shadow was reflected on the ground with the sun hitting the top of it. It was as if a powerful creature was watching me.

When I looked up nervously, there was nothing in the air. I continued on my way, thinking that it could be hallucinations brought on by long periods of sleep deprivation and hunger. But eventually, I had finally reached a town with the sun beating down a little more.

The map showed that I was getting closer and closer to the person I was looking for. The person was so close that I was sure I could find him here. But that wasn't my main problem. More than finding him, I had to convince him. All along the way, I thought about what kind of person he was and how to convince him if he refused.

I had already arrived at the place I wanted to come with endless questions in my head. But all that walking had made me both tired and hungry. Since I arrived in the town quite early, I went to a restaurant to satisfy my hunger. As soon as I had eaten, I would continue looking for our new member.

But for now, my focus was to fill my stomach. In the middle of the town, in a restaurant I entered, I came to a place where there were a lot of people again, although it was not so crowded. Everything was going normally until I sat down at a table and ate my meal. In the middle of my meal, suddenly in a panic, a man with blood sweat all over him entered the restaurant.

I didn't understand what was happening. I continued to watch the man. The man continued his panicked state and in a loud voice said,

"Everybody hide, Wedan is coming."

Suddenly the restaurant was frozen. The waiters started to shiver and the customers started to crawl under the table. There was no incident, just a name being called, and then everyone panicked. I wanted to know why people were so scared and who they were scared of, but my main goal was to prevent harm to innocent people here.

Could it be an elite soldier or a paladin? I had to be prepared for every possibility by disguising myself. While I was thinking about what to do, a footstep was heard from the entrance of the restaurant. It was a strong footstep. When the door opened, a tall and moulded man entered. I could not see his face because he was wearing a black cloak, but he was moving towards the cash register with slow steps.

Those who saw him were moving away from him, trying not to make eye contact with him. Holding the menu catalogue to my face, I managed to hide my head so that he would not notice me while trying to watch him secretly. As the man called Wedan walked, it was as if ice was growing from his feet. Whenever he took a step, the places he stepped on were covered with ice. Before Wedan entered here, it was warm, but when he entered, the whole restaurant suddenly turned into winter.

When Wedan reached the cashier, he extended his hand to the man in front of the cashier. The man understood what he meant without saying anything. Taking the bag full of gold in his hand, without hesitation, he gave it to the man named Wedan in front of him. I did not want to intervene because there was no coercion, but I could not understand why he did such a thing. Taking the bag full of gold, Wedan took slow steps towards the exit of the restaurant.

I was going to let him go without a care, but when I turned my head to my right, my map, which was open on the table, started to glow. It showed me that the person I was looking for was about to leave the restaurant. Or could this person be the person called Wedan himself? There was no doubt, it had to be him. Without thinking, I took the map with me, left a gold coin on the table, and left the restaurant. When I went out, Wedan had already disappeared from sight. But the ice he left behind could help me track him down.

I was very happy to have found the person I was looking for so quickly, but I knew that I had to be prepared for everything because I didn't know what kind of personality he had. Although I tried to guess what his power was, it was very difficult to understand what kind of lineage he came from.

I continued to follow the traces of ice left on the ground, but there was no sign of Wedan along the way. I realised that I was getting further and further away from the town, and the road I was following was quite deserted. There was nothing around but flying crows and withered trees.

I kept on walking without paying much attention to my surroundings, and although the blowing winds made me uneasy, the map indicated that I was on the right path.

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