The Power Of Two Weapons

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Our battle was ongoing. I fought with my stick while he countered with his axe and lightning bolts. Despite his build, he was fast - as if the lightning bolts were enhancing his strength and speed.

Initially, I thought he could only control the lightning with his axe. However, when he dropped it several times during our battle, I realized the axe wasn't necessary. I made quick attacks on his chest and head with my club, but he managed to block them with his axe.

Another issue was my close attacks. As I got closer, he could use his lightning power on me at any moment. So for the time being, I couldn't touch him - neither from close nor far. The elite soldier gripped his axe tightly and swung it at me quickly from the right and left.

As I dodged the blows, he finally raised his axe and swung it down at me. I threw my stick forward to stop his axe, but the look on his face showed that this was exactly what he wanted.

I floated for a long time due to the lightning's effect. Although I didn't get hit directly by it, I received a heavy blow. My hair stood on end from the electricity. If this continued, I would not only lose the battle but also face death.

There was only one thing left to do - give it my all. I picked up my club and sword and readied myself for battle.

"Attack with everything you've got, panda," he said.

With weapons in hand, I ran with all my strength and anger. When we faced each other again, I swung my sword. He blocked it with his axe, so I swung my club towards him. The elite soldier staggered slightly from the impact but quickly regained his composure. I rose up and aimed both weapons at a single point.

He blocked them with his axe but was caught off guard when I suddenly withdrew my weapons and delivered a hard shoulder to his exposed stomach. As I handed him my Altan club, he grabbed it with one hand and blocked my sword with his axe. Seeing an opening, the helmeted Elite soldier headbutted me, causing pain. Shaking off the stun, I taunted him: "Is that all you have?"

The elite soldier was surprised by my words, I was a much tougher opponent than he expected. Grasping my hand tightly, I punched the elite soldier beside me hard. Under the impact of the punch, the elite soldier involuntarily took a step backward.

As I swung my club, the elite soldier used his lightning power to protect himself from the incoming attack. It was too late to dodge, but I could throw my sword forward to block it. I didn't know how much it would protect me, but I had to try.

When my sword collided with the lightning, it somehow did not pass through. It was as if the lightning had no effect on it, which was very fortunate for me.

As I swung the club in my left hand with force, he swung his axe at me. I retreated and held the axe with my sword.

He once again summoned his lightning from the sky. This time, I held my sword above the axe and pulled it down to prevent the lightning from meeting the axe. Just as I wanted, the lightning didn't reach the axe.

I struck his chin with a blow from the left side using the club and followed up by turning and hitting his helmet hard with my elbow. The elite soldier, now dazed from the blow to the head, was an easier target. I swung another punch from the right side and then focused on one of his legs with the club, causing him to fall to his knees.

I quickly aimed for his head with my sword, but despite his disorientation, he managed to block the incoming sword strike with his axe and summoned lightning from the sky to strike his hand. As he prepared to swing his lightning-filled fist at me, I drew my sword and positioned it against my forearm, causing him to strike my sword instead.

When I caught his incoming axe with a stick, we were both in a stalemate. We both knew that this had to end. Anticipating that he would summon lightning once again, I waited for the elite soldier to make his move. As he called forth the lightning, I sprang into action and I jumped with all my strength.

While I was floating in the air, I managed to stop the lightning in the air by directing my sword to the part where the lightning came from.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I found myself behind the elite soldier. As he turned to face me, I struck his axe with my weapon, knocking it out of his hand. I was about to stab him with my sword, but he put up a fierce struggle. With one hand holding the sword and the other open, he was about to call forth lightning. I was exposed and could have been killed by the lightning.

As lightning struck his hand, I quickly grabbed his axe from the ground with my club and wielded it. With the axe in hand, I intercepted the lightning strike, and then drew my sword nearer to me, preparing to attack. I drove the axe into his exposed throat with a swift and forceful blow, causing the elite soldier to fall to the ground. Although this was not the outcome I had desired, in the face of death, victory was imperative, and I was relieved to have emerged triumphant.

On the other hand, my body couldn't take another lightning strike.

After my battle with the elite soldier, I managed to find the others. By the time I reached them, the girls had already neutralized the second elite soldier and the paladin the third elite soldier.

When the regular soldiers retreated, we managed to secure the people in the city. We had done our part, now it was up to Ryuu and the others.

Wolf Bloodline; Part 2Where stories live. Discover now