War Of The Four Kingdoms (Shou)

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The signal arrived sooner than anticipated. Despite the recent departure of the Ryuu, we mobilized a full rebel unit to the signal's origin. Its coded language made it difficult for the enemy to intercept. Time was of the essence and we couldn't wait for the Ryuu to return, so we proceeded, hoping they would join us in battle.

Princess Yeli knew the roads best, so we followed her all the way and encountered no enemy soldiers. Those aware of our movements were likely preparing for battle. Upon reaching the south, we were met by a vast army emerging from the hidden forest. It seemed as though the entire third kingdom had assembled. In addition, several descendants had allied with the kings and their armies to support our cause. This was the kings' surprise: descendants who would fight alongside us in war.

The first and second kingdoms also brought many soldiers for our battle. We had become such a large army that it was almost impossible to see some of the soldiers left behind from here.

Our army was vast and diverse, Knights, merfolk, winged people, dwarves, and wizards, We had a very large and crowded staff. Despite our strength in numbers, I remained cautious of the enemy's capabilities. For the safety of their kingdoms and to prevent total destruction, the heads of the lineages could not join the war. However, the kings were proud to fight alongside us. Princess Yeli greeted them with excitement and joy.

"My kings, it is an honor to have you with us in this war."

The third king, being the eldest, addressed Princess Yeli first.

"Princess Yeli, how you have grown."

After equipping her men with armor and weapons, Princess Yeli was asked by the Third King about Ryuu and the others.

"Young warrior and Rose, where are they?"

Hiroshi replied, "Don't worry. They're seeking a solution to our problem. I'm sure they'll return before the war begins. Until then, we must prepare for battle."

The king agreed. "With or without them, this war is inevitable."

As we advanced towards the battlefield, everyone readied themselves for combat. Princess Yeli and Hiroshi conferred with the kings about Ryuu's role in defeating the monster and our battle strategy. My thoughts were consumed by one thing: revenge against my former brother. Despite years of attempts to attack him, his impenetrable army and powerful alliances had kept him out of reach. He was like a ghost. But now I had a chance to face him; he would be my sole target during the battle.

After all these years, I couldn't miss this opportunity. Every time I picked up my master's sword, I knew what I was here for and I spoke in a voice no one could hear. "I'm coming for you, brother," I murmured.

After several hours of travel, our army arrived at a vast, flat expanse of land near the sea. The rocky terrain was hard and the sea water lapped against the shore. The area was barren except for a few scattered rocks. Beyond the land, we saw an uncountable number of enemies lined up and waiting for us. We were taken aback by their numbers; there were far more soldiers than we had anticipated.

The enemy army was as diverse as our own, comprising orcs, giants, common soldiers, elite soldiers, and samurai. Despite our strength, we were outnumbered.

The opposing army had arrived earlier than expected and it was unlikely that the Ryuu would return before the battle began. Given the size of the enemy force and the absence of the Ryuu, the kings invoked their right to parley with Yores' son one last time before the battle.

According to tradition, hostilities could not commence until the parley had concluded. It was an opportunity to discuss terms and buy time. It seemed like a logical course of action for the moment.

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