Father Of Swords; Samurai Leader (Hiroshi)

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Everywhere I looked, there were blood and bodies. My brother and I, who had been together since the start of the war, fought back to back. Unlike me, my brother no longer used traditional weapons. Instead, he wielded a large shield and fought with a metal arm. I could see how the years had changed him, but the look in his eyes was new to me. He had a purpose for fighting here, but it seemed like there was something more driving him.

Without speaking, we continued to fend off incoming enemies of all shapes and sizes. A voice inside me urged us to stay behind and support the soldiers, but my brother insisted on moving forward. As his brother, I followed him.

At our final position, we found hundreds of fallen soldiers and one man standing before them. This man had destroyed our village years ago, killed our family, and separated me from my brother.

This person was the leader of the samurai clan.

The scene was gruesome with nothing but bodies on the ground. The samurai remained calm, exhaling smoke from beneath his mask.

Despite our anger towards him, I didn't think it made sense to attack. I had a bad feeling about facing him, even though we outnumbered him. We were just ordinary people compared to our enemy.

In our current situation, no one could help us. We were in the enemy's target area and couldn't escape without fighting. My brother and I knew what had to be done: we had to fight back.

I turned to my brother to discuss our next move, but he shouted at the enemy with a strong voice: "After all these years, you'll pay for what you've done. I'm coming for you."

My brother charged toward the enemy. I tried to stop him by calling out, "Brother, wait..." but he ignored me and continued his charge. It seemed he couldn't forget the pain of the past.

I couldn't be angry with him or let him down. I took my gun and fired at the enemy to support my brother. My brother leaped into the air and swung his metal arm with all his strength. The enemy drew his sword in one swift motion and blocked the incoming fist.

As he attacked my brother, I used my weapon to prevent him from harming my brother. But the samurai was faster than I remembered. He dodged my bullets with ease.

Despite his armor, I could see a few vulnerable spots. After a few rounds, it wouldn't be difficult to penetrate his armor, especially with poison bullets. At least that's what I thought.

My brother continued his close-range attacks while I supported him with my bullets. Our attacks were ineffective against the samurai. We couldn't harm or even touch him.

In response to my brother's attacks, the samurai exhaled fire from his mouth. My brother used his shield to protect himself from the flames. The enemy stopped breathing fire and rose into the air, ready to strike my brother's exposed head. I quickly fired my weapon at the enemy.

The samurai blocked the incoming bullet with his sword without even looking at me. My brother raised his shield and dodged the attack, but this didn't stop the samurai. He used the shield as a stepping stone to approach me, his new target.

My brother saw the enemy getting closer and closer to me. To help me, he pressed on his shield from the inside. A beam shot out from the round emerald in the center of the shield towards the samurai.

The samurai, using his superior intuition, sensed the beam coming from behind him and pointed his sword at it. The beam didn't last long, but it gave me enough time to escape. I ran and shot at the same time.

Despite my efforts, the samurai's heightened senses allowed him to easily respond to my amateurish use of the weapon. My brother seemed to only use the beam in difficult situations. It was as if the shield had a limited firing capacity.

I knew that it would be easier for the samurai to block a bullet from far away than one from close range. So, no matter how difficult it was, I had to get close to the enemy with my brother.

As my brother charged toward the enemy and began another close-range attack, I supported him by putting my rifle on my back and taking out my family heirlooms. When my brother blocked the incoming sword with his shield, I aimed at the enemy's head with my weapons.

Even though I was closer than before, the samurai managed to dodge my bullets. As I approached, he swung his sword at me. I dropped to my knees and narrowly avoided the blade. My brother hung onto his shield and struck the samurai's chest with it.

The samurai threw his sword up to protect himself from the blow he couldn't escape. Although he was knocked back, he managed to avoid any damage.

"You are quite annoying for ordinary people," he said firmly. "I will put an end to this directly."

The samurai prepared to make his famous move, reaching for the sword on his waist with one hand and the sword on his back with the other. My brother realized this and shouted for me to come to him. "Hiroshi, over here!"

My brother placed the shield in front of us and told me to crouch down. I trusted him, but considering that the samurai had destroyed a village with this attack, I wasn't sure if the shield could withstand it.

"Brother, are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Don't worry," he replied. "I had this shield forged to withstand that attack. The old man who made it is very good at his job."

With nothing more to say, we waited behind the shield for the attack to end. We knew how powerful the attack was. My brother knew what to expect as well as I did, so I trusted him with the shield.

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