ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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The school gates opened after summer break, signaling the end of vacation and the beginning of another school year. A mixed array of emotions played across the faces of students. Some dashed in, eager to meet their friends and excited to start their school life anew. Most of them, however, were shuffled in with heavy hearts, already missing the freedom of vacation.

And the school's visual king, Kim Seok Jin, was one of them. Walking in the hallway with his best friend, Park Jimin, who was one of the excited ones for the school opening.

As they walked down the hallway, Jin couldn't hide his discontent anymore. "Ugh, welcome back to this boring routine again!" he exclaimed with a pout, clearly not thrilled about the return to school. For Jin, the end of vacation meant bidding farewell to his cherished late-night sleeps and waking up at lunch times, which were the highlights of his break. Although he was a good student who excelled in both studies and extracurricular activities, he just didn't enjoy attending school.

You see, he wasn't a morning person at all, so according to him, getting up so early just to attend a boring building called school was a waste of time. However, his dear mother had a knack for kicking him out from his cozy bed and making him go to school.

Then there was the matter of his celebrity status within the school walls. Jin was kind of famous at school, which sounded cool at first. But now, he felt like he couldn't even breathe without everyone watching him. It was like being stuck in a never-ending movie where he was the main character, and he was getting tired of it.

But fear not, for Jin had his trusty sidekick Jimin by his side. His partner in crimes, So these are the two reasons he attends school: to escape his mom's nagging and to spend time with his beloved bestie, Jimin. So, that's all about him, nothing special.

"Oh boy, I'm so thrilled!" Jimin exclaimed, his arms in the air, His excitement was as tiny as his dancing, but he didn't care. He continued, "I can't wait to see my teachers and classmates again!"

Jin, on the other hand, couldn't believe his luck. "I can't believe I won't be able to stay up late and play video games anymore!" He sighed dramatically, his eyes fixed on the floor, as if it held the secrets to his gaming glory days.

Jimin knew Jin wasn't happy with the school opening. It wasn't something new. Jin was never happy with attending school, However, Jimin tried to cheer him up. "Come on, Jin! School is so much fun! We'll have a blast!"

Jin rolled his eyes, which seemed to be stuck in the back of his head. "Oh, absolutely. Nothing compares to the joy of saying goodbye to my cozy bed and endless gaming sessions."

"Seriously, Jin. Is your bed and gaming more important than your short life?" Jimin inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Hell yes, more important than your life which is as tiny as your height, buddy!" Jin retorted, not realizing the sting his words might carry.

Jimin's face turned beet red. "What did you say? You are calling me short again? You want a taste of death? I'll show you who's short around here!"

Sensing trouble arising, Jin tried to diffuse the situation. "Uh, Jimin, I think our class needs me...bye!" He said, backing away slowly, like a turtle retreating into its shell.

"Yah, Kim Seok Jin!" Jimin shouted, determined to teach Jin a lesson, chased after him with all the enthusiasm of a cheetah hunting its prey. Jin, trying to escape Jimin, ran away as fast as his legs could carry him, hoping the classroom would provide a safe haven from Jimin's relentless pursuit.





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