ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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"Agh, i can't just decide."

Jin stood before his mother, his expression a mix of frustration and uncertainty as he sifted through his wardrobe, his hands running through the array of clothes in search of the perfect outfit for the party tonight. His mother, sitting on the edge of the bed, watched with a gentle laugh, seeing her son's struggle to decide what to wear.

"Mom, what should I wear?" Jin's voice was tinged with exasperation, his eyes scanning the multitude of options laid out before him. He had countless cloths to choose, yet somehow, none of them felt quite right.

Jin felt a sudden urge to look more beautiful and neat for the party, wanting to leave a positive impression. But just as he began to imagine himself dressed to the nines, a pang of sadness struck him. He realized that no matter how good he looked, the person he wanted to impress wouldn't be able to see it to appreciate it. The harsh reality broke Jin's excitement and confidence.

His mother, sensing his sudden change in mood, gently inquired, "Honey, what happened?"

Jin immediately brushing off his sad face, not wanting to worry his mother, he hide his emtions and said,

"N-nothing," he mumbled, his eyes downcast. Mrs. Kim continued to study her son, her heart aching at the sight of his sad expression. With a knowing smile, she rose from the bed and approached him, her hand reaching for a white shiny silky t-shirt hanging in his wardrobe.

"You know, love is like the wind," she began, her voice soft and comforting, sliding her hand gently on the shirt, "You can't see it, but you can feel it."

Jin looked up, meeting his mother's gaze, and felt a flicker of warmth spread through him at her words. As she handed him the shirt, paired with a simple yet elegant pair of black pants, Jin couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him. Maybe, just maybe, tonight would be different.

But Jin was confused about what his mother was talking about.
Jin's confusion lingered as he looked at his mother, trying to understand her words, Mrs. Kim chuckled softly at her son's bewilderment, finding her son cute in his innocent confusion.

"What happend?"

"I don't know...i mean, why are you saying that to me? and, what is that supposed to mean?" Jin's voice betrayed his confusion as he tried to make sense of his mother's words. Mrs. Kim simply smiled and said,

"Nothing much, just don't worry about how you look," she began gently, her voice filled with a soothing tone. "It's not about outfits or appearance; it's about seeing each other's hearts, where the real beauty lies. If you want to impress him, show him your heart. He doesn't need eyes to see that." With a final smile, Mrs. Kim patted Jin's hair gently and left the room, leaving Jin all confused and surprised at her words.

As the door closed behind her, Jin felt a rush of emotions flood through him, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "W-what the hell...what is she saying... And why the hell am I feeling shy...and why the hell am I having his images?! Oh god. Am i going crazy?" he muttered to himself, his embarrassment evident in his flustered red face and ears.

Jin cupped his face, feeling it so hot. Not knowing why, He shook off his head, grabbing the clothes his mother had given him, Jin hastily run to the bathroom, eager to change and put an end to the swirling thoughts and emotions that threatened to overwhelm him, He just needs to get ready and pick someone up and maybe. His mother's words were confusing Jin somehow did understood what those words meant.


Arriving at the address Jungkook provided, Jin scanned the surroundings as he halted his bicycle in front of the modest house with a small flower garden beside it. Jin retrieved his phone and dialed a number.

Blind Love - j.j.k × k.s.j ✔Where stories live. Discover now