Chapter 41: Sparks

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Can we get some appreciation for how fine this man is?


—Eva's POV—

Joe lied to the guys saying we weren't out of the meeting yet. What they don't know is we are home getting ready for the party. The whole ordeal took nearly eight hours of the lawyers going back and forth. We didn't want to give them the news over the phone. Not all news is good to hear over the phone.

I step into the main hall in my floor-length green dress. The thin straps hold onto my shoulders leading to a low v-neck. The necklace fits perfectly. I slip my heels on and look up feeling my throat tighten when I see Joe walking down the hallway. The way he licks his lips when he sees me shows me he feels the same way. He does a little spin for me as he shows off his new suit, "You look gorgeous," he whispers pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I fix his bow tie a little when he pulls away, "I'm happy you didn't shave," I tell him touching the scuff on his jawline.

"Well I didn't have time to but if it's working for me...maybe I should keep it more often," he says doing some model poses. I let out an amused sigh as I grabbed my coat from the closet. He opens the front door and there's a car waiting for us already.

When we get to the party it looks similar to the Christmas parties we were at but I recognize people. I can tell some of the guests are surprised to see us together. Rumors are easy to keep in especially when they are broadcasted on national television, "I'm going to assume they are wherever the food is," he says as we walk with our arms linked throughout the party. Kara is standing in a black dress next to Nick in a maroon suit.

Before we make it halfway through the room she sees us and rushes over. Nick is right behind her, "What the hell happened? Did they sign?" Nick rambles.

"Where's Kevin and Danielle?" He asks looking around. Kara yells his name making the other guests look over. The music is loud so I'm surprised he even heard. He comes so fine the corner with his drink and jogs over when he sees us.

"Did they sign?" He asks. Danielle suggests we go to the next room cause it's so busy. The six of us pile into the small side room and Joe shuts the door behind us.

"The contract went through alteration after alteration. They used the picture of Eva as leverage. But they signed," He announces making everyone cheer.

"What were the final details?" Nick asks.

"In order to get out of our deal with them we have to spend $35,000 but they signed away the full NDA so Eva can finally clear her name," he tells them.

I feel a little bad they have to pay so much because of the photos, "I fully intend to help pay it because of Logan," I inform the guys but they just say no, "Please I feel bad enough that you guys spent countless nights dealing with this".

Kara leans on Nick's side as he puts his arm around her waist, "You can't expect us to let you do that. It's a part of the business," Kevin says as he stands up from where he was resting on the edge of a chair.

"You can just make more of those cupcakes and we can call it even," Nick jokes. I tell him it's a deal as Joe squeezes my waist.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Danielle says as she walks over and gives me a hug, "I'm proud of you," she whispers making me want to cry. Kara joins in on our little moment making the guys feel left out. I laugh as I feel everyone crushing us together.

"Tonight we shall celebrate the breaking of contracts and the new freedom we will have in the new year," Nick cheers. We raise our fake glasses as I look around at everyone with bright smiles on their faces. It's only 9 pm so we have a long time before the end of the night.

We all grab flutes of champagne that are circling the room, "This dress is one of the hottest things I've ever seen on you," Kara says when we finally get a moment to talk.

I thank her as I look at Joe across the room, "I woke up and it was sitting in the kitchen with a note from Joe," I tell her.

"Has he confessed his love yet?" She asks getting a snort from me.

"We talking about Joseph?" Nick asks as he comes over and puts his arm on my shoulder, "Cause he's clearly down bad".

"You could say he has the love bug," she says with a witty look on her face, "Get it cause like," she says before Nick just cuts her off by walking away.

I open my arm for her and she just follows me as we go get another drink.


A pair of hands wrap around my waist breaking my conversation with Kevin, "Do you mind if I steal her? Midnight in a couple minutes," he says. I look at my phone and realize he's right. He tells him to go ahead as he goes to find Danielle. I spin around putting my hands on his chest.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he points out as we slowly sway to the music, "You avoiding me?" He asks with a small smile.

"Didn't do a good job if I was," I tell him as I rest my head on his chest. The music switches when it's ten seconds to midnight. I look to my right and see Nick holding onto Kara as she rests her back on his chest. Beside them are Danielle and Kevin happily counting down.

When the streamers go flying and everyone starts cheering I turn to Joe and cup his jaw as he bends down. It's like the fireworks are going off for this kiss. Splashes of blue, pink, and red cover the house as we stand in front of the main window. The spark of passion our lips create makes it feel like I'm promised a year of love.

He hesitantly pulls away resting his forehead against mine, "Be with me," he whispers. I pull away and look him in the eyes trying to figure out if I heard him right. Noisemakers are going off around us as I focus on nothing but him.

"What?" I question as the smile on his face doubles seeing the disbelief on mine. His eyes look deeply into mine making my heart race faster than it's ever gone.

"Be with me for real. I want to be your boyfriend. I don't want to have to worry about contracts ever again. I can't see myself doing any of this alone. Eva, I love you," he states making my heart melt. I close the distance between us again as he lifts me in the air a little. I gasp as he spins us around my arms wrapped around his shoulders, "I love you too," I whisper as he puts me down.

"I fucking love New Year's," he says as Kara comes over freaking out. I don't think I've ever agreed with him more.

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