Chapter 13: for charity

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—Eva's POV—
I stare at the flashcards in my hand and reread the same words over and over again. Kara puts his hand on my knee and gives me a worried look, "You'll be great. I'll be right in the crowd with the guys to cheer you on," She says as I nod my head. I know she's right. I have rehearsed this for hours on end and I could probably recite it backwards. I can argue nonstop with a small group but this charity gala gets packed. Last year's headcount was close to 200 people. I can't even list 200 people I have spoken to all my life.

"Are we almost to where they are getting picked up?" I ask shoving the flashcards into my bag. She looks out the window and says we are a couple of blocks away. This gives me more time to internally explode before I have to put on a strong face.

"Don't you ladies look pretty," Nick says sounding like a dad. The three guys climb in once the car comes to a stop. Joe is typing away on his phone as Kevin is on the phone with Danielle. It doesn't take long until Nick and Kara are wrapped up in their own conversation. I just sit quietly with my hands in my lap as I try not to flip out. On the outside I look totally calm and collected, until Joe asks, "What's up?".

I turn my head and furrow my eyebrows as he points to my hands. I look down and see half my nail polish chipped away onto the floor, "Oh I just hated the color," I tell him dreading having to go on stage with weird-looking nails. I know he doesn't believe me but thankfully he doesn't care enough to push further. I knew there would be some perks to him being an asshole.

The drive felt way too short. Anytime you're dreading anything the drive is always too short. I think life likes playing games. The five of us get out of the car and head inside. I got us a table reserved closer to the front than normal so I could focus on them instead of the crowd. Mr. Hues calls my name and pulls me to the back as everyone gets settled in. Kara gives me an encouraging look before I turn the corner out of their sight.

"You're the second one up. Are you sure you're prepared?" He asks looking at the shake in my hands. I nod my head and start heading back to the tables when someone calls him away.

"I ordered you a shot," Nick says making me smile. I quickly take it and lean my head on Kara's shoulder.

"How are you doing champ?" She asks as I groan. The guys all laugh as I take a breadstick and shove it into my mouth. It's nearly an hour later before the first person goes on stage. I give everyone one last smile before walking backstage. My hands are clammy, my legs are wobbly, and I can't think of anything worse than this. Why am I so nervous? I can hear the woman on stage giving her last statements. I take my notecards out and reread the same line over and over again.

"Are you alright?" Joe asks making me jump out of my skin. He sees the confusion on my face and points to a hallway behind him, "Trying to find the bathroom," he says.

"I'm fine...just underprepared is all," I assure him so he goes away. My name is called and my heart drops as I slowly turn around. The woman before me wishes me luck and I force a smile as Joe stands behind me.

A second passed and he put his arm on my back and led me up the stairs. I expect him to stop there but he walks with me onto the stage. He waves with a big smile and I can't get over how many people are in the room, "Hello. My name is Joe Jonas. I'm here to talk about my beautiful girlfriend's amazing charity," he says. I'm stunned when he lays out the cards for me without missing a beat. He leads me into one of them and lets me go into more detail. His hand is glued to my lower back and anytime I stumble a little his thumb moves a little.

"It's an amazing cause and I couldn't think of anything better to spend your money on," he says after I finish up. I grab my cards and we walk off stage.

"You," I whisper as he shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it. Being on stage is kind of the job," he says with a small smile. I go to say something but Kara and the guys come running back. As Kara starts freaking out about how good we did I notice how Joe's smile seems genuine when he looks at me.

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