Chapter 34: Crashed

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—Eva's POV—

Kara yells at Joe and I to stop moving as we stand in front of a giant Christmas tree. The final party of the year. I swear I thought this night would never come. Joe's hand on my waist tightens as he fights the urge to throw a fake snowball at her head. It's been ten minutes of her being our photographer and she insists on helping us get the 'perfect' photo. In all honesty, I think she's just trying to avoid Nick.

"Oh hey Nick," I shout making her widen her eyes. She hands me the phone and runs off leaving the two of us alone, "I knew that would work," I giggle.

"I still don't understand why they are fighting but I don't think I care either," he says as he puts his other hand on my other hip, "You look really good tonight," he says making me blush under the lights from the tree.

I curtsy my dress making him laugh as I thank him, "I guess we should post as much as possible so when you're gone on Christmas we don't have to worry," I point out. He nods his head and opens Instagram to post a story. I lean up kissing his cheek and laugh as he turns his head pressing his lips to mine.

The picture is cute a lot cuter than I thought it would be, "Posted. Now we can just relax and drink the night away," he says leading me to the kitchen. Kevin is talking with some guys as Danielle sits back bored. When she sees us she excuses herself and walks over. I hug her as she thanks us for saving her.

"I cannot listen to another boring conversation about...I don't even know," she rants.

"I'll go get us some drinks," he says walking off to let us talk. It's like Kara could sense we were talking as she came out of nowhere and sat down.

"I needed girl time. What's going on in everyone's life?" She asks looking around paranoid.

"I'm assuming your talk with Nick didn't go well," I say as Daniella looks at me confused. Kara turns around and starts explaining everything. By the end of the story, we both see Nick walking up behind Kara. He's holding something behind his back and we just sit back and watch the show unfold.

"Stop being a loser. I can see you running away from me every time you see me," he says making her glare at the two of us.

She slowly turns around with a bright smile as he just rolls his eyes and takes out an envelope from behind his back. Her face falls and she goes to say something but he tells her to shut up and open it. True love. She hesitantly opens the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper.

"Holy shit," she whispers before jumping up and wrapping her arms around him, "This is too much," she says when she pulls away. I try to look at the paper in her hand as she talks to him but she's moving too much.

"You deserve it and we have a show that week," he says making her smile, "And there's a ticket for Eva," he says making me perk up. Daniella laughs already knowing what it is. I snag the paper and see it's two tickets to London. I stand up excitedly and push Kara out of the way to hug him.

"I take everything I said back. Nick is my favorite Jonas," I announce hearing an offended hey from behind me. I turn and see Joe bringing two drinks over with an offended Kevin.

Joe has a look on his face that says, "I knew it wasn't me," which makes me give him a sad smile. He hands over the drink and I give him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek.

"You know I got love for you too Joe," I tease.

"What about Kevin?" Danielle quoted making us all laugh. Kara is looking at Nick like he's just cured cancer. I wish someone looked at me like that.

"Isn't that the asshole you used to date?" Kevin says making my heart drop. I really hope he's talking to someone else but I can feel everyone's eyes going from me to him. When I finally turn around I see Joe already walking in his direction.

"Oh fuck," I whisper running after him.

"Why are you here? You weren't invited," he states as I walk over standing behind his right shoulder. I see Logan's eye is black and blue and there's a small cut on his lower lip.

He looks at me completely ignoring Joe's statements, "we need to talk," he says making me shrink behind Joe.

"You've talked enough. What more is there to say?" He asks. Some eyes from around the party are looking at us. The tensions are high and I have no idea what Joe's next moves are. I lightly put my hand on his arm and he turns his head.

"Let me talk to him. I'll be fine. I don't want this to get worse than it is," I tell him. I plead with him until he gives in.

"I don't like this," he says. I give him a thankful smile before glaring at Logan. He smiles at Joe before I lead him outside of the party. As soon as the door shuts he lays in on me.

"You send your hot shot boyfriend after me and then you have the balls to not pay me," he says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask before realizing where Joe's bloody knuckles actually came from. My eyes widen and he looks at me like I'm pathetic.

"Look at these," he says taking his phone out. He shows me more pictures of the two of us making my stomach turn, "Unless I get paid in full by the first of January I'm leaking these. I'm not scared of your guard dog," he states moving closer to me, "I know he has the money," he smirks. I try to take a step back but his arms are around me before I can blink. His lips collide aggressively with mine and then I hear the sound of a camera going off. I push him off me and look to the side seeing someone hiding in the bushes.

I look at him and realize this was his plan the entire time. Before he can get any more pictures I run inside as fast as these heels can carry me, "What did he do?" Joe asks pulling my face to look at his. I lean into his hands before he lets go and runs off to find Logan. The rest of the group stares at us confused as I look back at Joe worried.

"What the hell is going on? Why would you willingly talk to him?" Kara asks. They all start asking nonstop questions making me panic. How did he even find us?

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