Chapter 10: Pizza Night

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—Eva's POV—

Nick's house might be the nicest thing I have ever seen in real life. I thought the yacht was nice but this is luxury. I should have picked up a guitar when I was little, "How can you afford all of this?" Kara asks looking around at the tall ceilings and white walls.

"I have been in a boyband since I was like 12," he says with a small laugh, "Let me show you my favorite part," he smiles leading us outside to his backyard. There is a giant ass pool that looks like it's straight out of a movie.

"We are moving in," I whisper as he flicks a switch. A bunch of light around the pool area lit up the backyard, "Yup. Definitely moving in," I say nodding my head.

"I liked your apartment," he says as we both just look at him like he's crazy, "What it was nice," he says holding his hands up in defense.

"Thanks again for letting Logan come over. It's hard trying to date someone when I can't go out in public with them," I tell him as I check my phone.

"Of course. I'd have felt bad if everyone was having fun and you were stuck with Joe," he says as his brothers walk in.

"Wow thanks," he says holding a case of beers. It's weird hanging out when we don't have to. But I'm kind of happy Nick and Kevin like us as much as we like them. My eyes widen when I see Daniella walking into the house.

"Kevin, your wife is gorgeous," I whisper as he turns around and smiles at her.

"Danielle this is Eva and Kara. Eva and Kara this is the love of my life," he says as she nudges his side.

"It's so nice to meet you. You're really all he talks about," I tell her as we all give each other a quick hug. The three of us go into the kitchen to make some drinks as the guys talk about god knows what.

"What's it like with Joe?" She asks with an empathetic smile.

"Has he always been like this? Or has he saved up all his attitude for this?" I ask making them both laugh.

"I promise he's not that bad. It looks like you're handling him though," she says as Kara giggles.

"Eva has met her match when it comes to arguing about stupid shit," she says making me frown.

"Whatever. All I care about is hanging out with Logan. I haven't seen him in almost two weeks," I tell them as Kara fills her in on her opinion of Logan.

"He can't be that bad if you like him," she says looking at me.

"He's sweet. He's also understanding about me fake dating Josephine," I point out as we walk back into the main room with three cocktails.

"When's Logan getting here?" Nick asks as he turns some music on.

"Any minute," I tell him as the doorbell rings. I widen my eyes and Kara takes my drink so I can go get him. When I open the door his eyes are as wide as mine when he sees it, "Hey," I smile as he pulls me in for a short hug.

"Long time no see," he says kissing me on the cheek, "this house is huge," he whispers as I lead him to the group. Everyone is standing now and I watch intently as he greets everyone. When he gets the Joe my stomach drops when he holds his hand out and Joe just stays in his seat. Logan walks back over to me with the same look on his face I have when I see Joe.

I sit down where I was before and Logan sits down right beside me. The guys immediately start asking him questions to get to know him. Daniella and Kara are talking as I sit and listen to everything.

"What's it like being world-famous musicians?" Logan asks as the guys just look at each other.

"We have been famous for more of our life than not so it's hard to say," Kevin says as my stomach growls. I lean my head on Logan's shoulder as we all start laughing at how loud it is, besides Joe.

"We should get pizza," Kevin says taking his phone out, "What kind do you guys like?" He asks.

"Pepperoni is a classic," Kara says as I just tell them anything.

"What do you want?" Nick asks looking at Logan.

"I'm an extra peppers and onions kind of guy," he says as Kevin nods his head.

"How does a pepperoni, plain, and a peppers and onion pizza?" He asks looking at everyone. Sounds good to me. I don't know if rich people have a faster delivery system but normally it takes like forty minutes. For Nick, it took twenty. We all go into the kitchen and grab a plate as we continue our conversation about what we would bring to a desert island if we could.

"This is so good. Try it," Logan says holding up his pepper and onion slice. The smell makes me want to gag as he moves it closer to my face.

"I'm okay. I haven't tried my slice yet," I tell him as he continues trying to get me to try it.

"She doesn't like onions," Joe says making everyone look over at him.

"I think I'd know what my girl likes," he says making my heart do backflips. I hate everything about their situation but he called me his girl.

"Well your girl doesn't like onions," he says with a monotone voice. Logan turns to me and I just give him an awkward smile.

"I've never really been a fan of them," I tell him as everyone awkwardly watches this display go down. Logan's face pauses before he cracks some joke and everyone goes back to their conversations. I look at Joe and he's listening to Kevin talk.

"Maybe you're sitting next to the wrong guy," Kara whispers as I shake my head.

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