Chapter 15: Bathtub

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—Eva's POV—

"I am not sleeping in the same bed as Joe," I whisper yell as Kara hands me a motel key, "Why can't we share a room?" I ask as Nick walks over.

"Ready?" he asks looking at her unknowingly answering my question. I look at Kevin and he's just shaking his head as he walks away to his own room. These were the last three rooms of the night. How did we even get stuck here? The stupid gas station was closed and we couldn't get a signal. I'd rather just sit in the car until morning than sleep in a room with Joseph. Joe had the bright idea to stay here after going on a walk to "calm down". Apparently, he heard one too many car puns from the two love birds.

"Can I have the key or are you just going to stand there all night?" He asks walking over and making me forget about anything nice he's done in the past twenty-four hours. I contemplate sitting in the lobby all night as a gust of wind blows past us. I shiver and turn back to Joe handing him the key. I follow slowly behind him as he unlocks the door. It's a small room. It's the type of motel that makes you wish cleaning supplies were more powerful. Joe and I stand at the door and just stare at the weird stains that sit on seemingly everything in the room. I start losing it as a spider crawls across one of the pillows.

"This is not how I thought this night would end," I laugh not knowing if I should cry instead, as he joins in on my disbelief. I set my purse down on the dresser and look in the mirror at my messy hair. No wonder the person at the front desk gave us weird looks, "I don't think I'm sleeping tonight," I state trying to brush my fingers through my hair.

"OH my god," he says making me turn around. He's motioning to a suspicious white mark on the bedframe, "How far do you think the closest cliff is?" he asks making me laugh again.

"I've stayed in my fair share of dingy motels but this....this takes the cake," I smile as he walks into the bathroom to see what that's like.

"Ya know what. It's not too bad," he says holding the door open for me. I nod my head looking around and I'm actually surprised everything looks decent. He kicks his shoes off and steps into the tub sitting down, "I refuse to touch anything in the other room," he says patting the tub next to him.

"This is so weird but I'm not in the mood for bed bugs," I say with a small smile as I step in beside him.

"Did you have a good night?" he asks as I curl my legs into my chest. I turn my head on my knees to look at him as he rests his on the shower wall.

"I did," I whisper as he runs his hands down his suit jacket to flatten it out. His eyes widen as he puts his hand into his pocket. He pulls out a bunch of shooters from the party and starts laughing again.

"When did you grab those?" I ask as he hands me a fireball one. I snap open the lid and cheers before taking them.

"I forgot I stole some that were by the front door as we ran out," he says.

"I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship," I tell him as he passes me another shooter. He nods his head and taps his against mine again as he takes the second one. I hiss at the strong taste, chucking the empty bottle in the direction of the trash can.

"That was the worst shot I've ever seen," He says throwing his perfectly into the can, "You should use the money from this little arrangement for basketball lessons," He says making me fake laugh.

"That is not a fair assessment of my skills," I challenge as he shakes his head not believing me.

"I bet Kevin is freaking out about this place. He's kind of a neat freak when it comes to his bed," He says with an amused smirk, "He's probably halfway back to the city," He jokes.

"I would be too if it wasn't freezing out," I tell him trying to get comfortable.

"I could use three more double shots to fall asleep in this ceramic prison," He says folding his arms over his chest, "You can use my jacket as a pillow if you want," he says.

"It's all yours," I tell him not wanting to take the only thing we could use as a pillow. The fluorescent light above the sink keeps flickering. I swear if it turns out it will be the icing on the cake. I sink down more in the tub and start counting the cracks in the ceiling to pass the time.

"Psst," Joe whispers making me jump. I lift my head and realize sunlight is filtering in through the open bathroom door. I look around and realized my head was in his lap making me quickly pull away. His jacket was bunched up as his hands were still in a crossed position.

"What time is it?" I ask trying to remember everything that happened last night.

"Almost 11 am," he says checking his phone, "Nick just texted and said that a car is on the way," He informs me as I run my hand over my face.

"I feel like shit," I mutter as he starts getting up.

"Sleeping in a bathtub will do that to ya," he says as I walk into the main room. Somehow everything looks so much worse in the sunlight. The blinds look like they are held together by a thread. I grab my purse and hear a knock at the door.

"How was your night?" Kara asks as I open the door. She looks at our room and widens her eyes, "Why is your room so gross?" she asks making the two of us look at her confused. She brings us to her room with Nick and it looks like a completely normal room. Joe glares at his brother as he gives him a small smile.

"Your room might have been one that had a rat problem," Nick says causally.

"I'm going to kill him," I mutter as he runs past us with his jacket. Joe chases after him as I throw my purse at him. That son of a bitch.

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