Chapter 31: Making Rounds

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—Eva's POV—

I grab the handle of the stairwell and look down at everyone gathered in the main room, "This is intense," I whisper as I turn my head seeing Joe adjusting his tie. He gives me a soft smile as I move his hands away to do it for him.

"You look beautiful," he says making me blush under the glow of the chandelier above us, "I know you with Kara was here but tonight shouldn't be so bad," he says as I put on a brave face.

"Why didn't Nick and Kevin get invited again?" I ask as he links his arm in mine and helps me descend the large staircase in front of us. Joe surprised me with a floor-length gown for this event. It looks more like a fairytale than anything. We pose a couple of times for the men with cameras at the bottom. I gasp as he pulls me closer and gives me a disgustingly sloppy kiss. I push him away laughing as he pulls me away from the flashing lights.

He smiles at a man as we continue making our way around the floor, "Cause they have never met the man that's throwing and we are only here to be nice," he says before stopping in front of the bar, "And for this," he smirks ordering my favorite. I thank him as I look around trying to spot a familiar face. Everything seems so scripted. The laughter, the music, the people...everything. It's so forced, but I'm the one in a fake relationship so who am I to judge?

Throughout the night Joe and I have stayed side by side. Grown men who all look the same have come over to talk to him about music. I also zone out of the conversation when they bring up the money side of things. I wish Kara was here. She would have whisked me away for a shot of something. I'm not cut out for this fancy life no matter how good I look in the dress, "What are we forgetting?" Joe says nudging my side.

I turn back to the conversation and see Joe give me my cue, "I left my purse in the side room. We were hoping it was still there," I tell him as he gives a fake "Oh that's right," look to the guy.

They shake hands and do the pleasantries before we run off for some privacy, "I hate this," he groans as he leans against the door. I nod my head in agreement as I sit on a small loveseat in the middle of the room. He flattens his coat and then perks up as if he's truly forgotten something, "Close your eyes," he says. I give him a look and he just tells me to listen. I do as he says and close my eyes.

I feel his hand touch my hair making me jump as he chuckles to himself, "Relax," he whispers. I bite my lower lip as he adjusts my hair again and I feel a small necklace being placed around my neck. He tells me to open and moves me in front of a mirror, "Since we can't spend Christmas together I thought I'd give you your present tonight," he says as I look at him through the mirror. I move closer and see a small green pendant on a gold chain.

"It's beautiful. Thank you," I whisper as I turn around putting my arms around him, "I thought we agreed no gifts," I tell him as he pulls away to look at the necklace that matches my dress perfectly. I love this color. I wonder if he talked to Kara when he picked it out. Who knew rockstars had such good taste?

"We did but after seeing the pictures of you shopping at a music store came out I figured it was for me," he says as I shake my head in disbelief.

I take my phone out of my purse as he moves to lean against the wall behind me. I hand him my phone and show him the custom guitar strap I got for Kevin, "Contrary to popular belief not everything is about you," I tease as he looks at it closer, "But I did get you something. It's back at the house," I tell him as he looks at me excited.

"Kevin's going to love that," He says making me less nervous about giving it to him, "What were you thinking of getting Danielle?" he asks.

I flip a couple of pictures over and show him the bracelet I was looking at, "She was talking about needing a nice bracelet at the Christmas party and I know Kevin already got her stuff," I explain before I see the look on his face, "Do you want to go half and half?" I ask. He nods his head thankfully since he couldn't find a good gift when we went shopping with Nick and Kara.

"I love the holiday season," I gush looking around the small room we are in. There's a tiny Christmas tree that's lit up with white lights and popcorn garland, "What's your favorite Christmas tradition?" I ask as I walk closer to the tree. I hear his footsteps behind me before I hear something above my head.

"You know the rules," He says shaking the mistletoe. I raise an eyebrow as he moves closer putting his hand on my waist. The grin on his face makes me laugh as he tips me over and plants a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Always so romantic," I whisper in the small space between us, " much longer until we can leave?" I ask as he lifts his hands to my cheeks. I frown as he gives me another kiss instead of answering my question which means we are going to be here for a while.

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