Chapter 22: Boxes

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—Eva's POV—
"You've got to be kidding me," I groan as I cut my finger on the cardboard box I've been fighting with for the past five minutes. I put the tip of my finger into my mouth as I stand up to get a bandaid, "Kara?" I ask not seeing her in the living room. I quickly grab the tiny first aid kit we have and open up a bandage trying not to get blood on it. After throwing out the wrapper in the trash I walk to her bedroom and push the door open. My mouth drops open as I scream slamming the door shut, "LEARN TO SHUT A DOOR FULLY," I yell grimacing after seeing her naked in bed with Nick.

"Hey, I'm back with more tape," Joe says opening the front door. He sees the look on my face and walks over laughing. I drop my head on his shoulder as he gives me a reassuring hug, "It's okay. Everyone has been scarred by them at least once. Now you can join Kevin and me in our disgust," he jokes as we walk back into my bedroom. I sit down in my bed and lay back staring at the ceiling.

"I don't want to move. Why do I have to move again?" I ask leaning on my elbows with a scowl on my face.

"Because we all agreed this would be better for your safety. None of us are comfortable with the amount of fans that have knocked on your door. It's been like two weeks of this and it even scared Nick when he was here. Who knows the next one could be a Ted Bundy type of person," he says as I drop my hands letting the bed bounce beneath me.

"I'm so...." I say groaning not knowing the right word.

"Annoyed. Pissed off. Frustrated?" He asks as he lays down next to me.

"I never thought I'd have to move 'cause some psycho fan leaked my address," I think out loud as he puts his hand behind his head.

"I'm sorry about our fans...they are a bit much," he says as I nod my head in agreement, "I don't like that you're staying in a hotel either," he says making me look over at him.

"I mean until we find another apartment that's the only option. I can barely afford this one," I tell him sitting up again to look at the mess around my room.

"Stay with me then. Nick convinced Kara to stay with him but she didn't want to leave you," he tells me, "I have a guest room and you can save money. helps our relationship image," he says making me seriously consider it.

"I don't want to crash your place. Come on do you seriously want to wake up and see me in your house every day even if people think we are getting serious?" I ask.

"It's not that big of a deal and it's not forever," he says with a small smile.

"We have sex one time and you're already in love with me," I tease as he rolls his eyes with a fake laugh, "Okay. I'll move in with you. But I'll be looking for an apartment every day," I tell him as he picks up a box and starts walking out to put it next to the door.

"And Kara thought it would be hard to convince you," he says as my lips flatten into a straight line. Of course, they schemed behind my back.

By the time we finished packing everything, my bedroom didn't even look like I lived there. It's the saddest thing I've ever seen. All my stuff is going to be shoved in boxes until we find a new apartment but I don't know how determined Kara is going to be. They have been seeing each other for almost two months but that's still quick for a situationship? Relationship? I have no idea, "Thanks again for helping us pack up," I tell the guys as I put the takeout bag on the counter.

Nick pulls out the burgers as Joe pulls out my seat, "We had nothing else to do today," he says as I sit next to him.

"I can't believe Kevin ditched us for his anniversary," Kara jokes as Nick nods his head.

"I know imagine being in love," Joe says aggressively biting a fry.

"Love is overrated," I scoff.

The rest of us eating consists of us making jabs at Kevin's love life and him being happy. We are four miserable people, "The moving truck is coming tomorrow at 10 am. That means we have one final night in the apartment," I frown.

Kara hugs the wall as Nick rubs her back. She suddenly flips around and has that look on her face, "I have an idea," she smirks.

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