Chapter 40: Pens and Paper

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—Eva's POV—
I spin spin around in my chair pulling my hair into a bun as I rub the back of my neck. I've been sitting all night at my computer printing out every piece of evidence that can be used against them. All of Logan's emails, texts, and stuff that Hues sent me about what we have to do. I don't know how this will help but the final piece is getting the footage from the conference room we were in. Hues put in cameras and microphones in every office because he's paranoid. He went through this spy phase where he thought everyone was watching him. I didn't realize how insane he truly was until he decided to say a big fuck you to me.

The door to Joe's office opens and I lift my head seeing him carrying a coffee cup, "thought you might need this," he says making behind me to see what I have so far. He sifts through the pile of papers as I practically chug the caffeine.

"The meeting is tomorrow and I still have no idea what's going to happen," I tell him as he spins me in the chair so I'm facing him. He squats down in front of me as I put the mug down, his hands taking mine almost immediately.

"The lawyer is going to do all the talking. There's nothing you have to worry about," he tells me, "All he needed from us is the written forms of communication that they sent us".

I lean forward and bring my hand to his cheek to brush an eyelash off, "Make a wish," I tell him. He looks at me for a second before blowing it off my finger. What I wouldn't give to know what's going on in his brain?

He pats my legs before standing up and leaning on his desk, "How much longer do you think you'll be?" He asks. I look back at my laptop and tilt my head.

"Maybe another hour. Go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning," I assure him. His gaze is locked on the floor with a hesitant look before realizing there's no point in him staying up. He kisses me on the top of my head and tells me not to stay up too late before walking out.

Hopefully, this will be worth it.


As soon as we walk into the office, Hues is already rushing over, "Eva, how have you been?" He asks.

I can't even get off a hello before Joe is telling him to fuck off. When the man leaves I look at him trying to hide my amusement, "You ready?" He asks. The clock in front of us shows it's almost time for us to go in. My stomach is in knots and I'm not sure if I can do this, but then Joe puts his hand in mine.

"Yeah, we got this," I tell him. Everyone came over this morning to wish us luck. Kara said she would have food waiting for us when we got back which is a nice thing to look forward to. The lawyer comes in a couple of minutes later and introduces himself.

"David, It's nice to finally meet you," he says before Joe and he gives each other a quick hug, "Always good to see you even with these circumstances".

"You've always been our lucky charm so hopefully this time isn't any different," he says making the man smile, "Let's get this over with," he adds. The three of us walk into the room seeing Hues sitting next to Candace. Another woman who I assume is their lawyer is sitting beside them. Her assistant is practically shaking in the corner with a coffee in her hand with a stain that matches her boss's lipstick. She can't even hold her coffee. Why would I expect anything different?

Candace eyes David as he slams his briefcase down and pulls out documents. My head is on a swivel as I look between the two lawyers talking. He kept telling her things that I couldn't understand even if I tried. Joe's face looks concentrated. He doesn't have an ounce of fear on his features which helps keep me calm. David hasn't even addressed Hues or Candace the entire meeting which gives me a little entertainment. Hues is a meek man hiding behind the spawn of satan.

I heard my name being addressed and look at David seeing him pointing at me but I wasn't listening, "Do you agree with these terms?" He asks. I glance at Joe and he subtly nods his head.

"I do"

"Do you accept the terms? The contract doesn't state anything specifically about Mr. Jonas's colleagues being able to leak the deal to the internet. You only stated Mr. Jonas and Mrs. Brown," he says with a smug smile.

"What am I getting out of this deal?" She asks sounding frustrated. Her eyes look like they could kill a man with a simple glance. David pushes a pen across the table for the two of them to sign his full-proof deal.

"If you don't take the deal you'll be leaving with nothing which doesn't seem like your style. If you take the deal you get 15,000 dollars. They have every legal right to expose you to the press and who knows maybe you'll attract the kind of people who don't care about blackmail," he says with an amused face, "I hear Hollywood is a good place for people who do business like you," he adds. Joe stands up and I follow his movements.

The three of us get out of the room and I bring them to my office, "Did you see how scared she looked?" Joe says as I try to keep up.

"Why did we leave?" I ask confused.

Stella walks into the room with three coffees with a smile before walking out, "We have to let them read over the document which could take hours," he says sitting down on the chair behind him. I lean on my desk and nod my head. I guess they have been through this a lot together. I'll never understand the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

After nearly two hours of the three of us talking about David's life and his two children, he gets a phone call breaking up their conversation. He excuses himself to take it leaving Joe and me alone, "You seem anxious but I assure you everything is fine. We have them right where we want them," he says walking over to me. I lean my head on his shoulder and he pulls me into him.

"By the time we get home tonight the ball will be dropping," I joke.

"I could just kiss you right here and we can skip the midnight part," he says as I push him away. I look past Joe's head and see David motioning us over, "Looks like it's time to shine," he says holding his hand out for me to take.

We can only hope for good news.

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