Chapter 30: First Christmas Party

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—Eva's POV—

"You look incredible," I gush as Daniella pulls me in for a hug. She smiles and returns the compliment as she gives Joe a hug, "The house is insane. When did you do all this?" I ask looking around. There's a Christmas decoration everywhere you look. I wish I could take a mental picture and stay there for the rest of my life. Joe's hand touches the small of my back and brings me back to the conversation.

"Kev is in the kitchen trying to beat Kara in a drink-making competition," she says as another guest calls her away. She thanks us for coming before walking off. I turn to Joe and smile when I see him distracted by the decorations too.

"Let's go find the others," I tell him as he looks down at me. I feel my breathing hitch as he smirks before bringing his hand up. I keep my eyes on him as he wipes under my eye.

"Make a wish," he says pulling his hand away and showing an eyelash. I purse my lips contemplating before blowing on his hand letting the lash float away, "What did you wish for?" he asks.

I laugh as I start walking away with his hand in mine, "If I tell you then it won't come true," I point out as he nods his head with an amused smile. When we walk into the kitchen Nick is leaning on the counter with a beer bottle in his hand as Kara and Kevin measure out various liquors into a mixer.

"AH BESTIE," Kara yells. I walk over and smooch the back of her head before hugging Nick, "Watch me win," she smirks. Kevin cackles as he cuts up a lemon to garnish. I lean next to Nick as Joe grabs us two drinks.

"How long have they been at this?" I ask as he passes me his beer to drink.

"Too long," he whispers sounding bored, "Babe, how much longer until the drink of all drinks is done?" he asks getting a "shush I'm concentrating," in return. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and pull it out seeing it's Logan. I glance at Nick and see him distracted by trying to get another drink. I excuse myself and rush to the nearest door as I answer.

"What do you want?" I whisper looking around to make sure no one else is listening. I swear every time he calls I can feel the bile rising in my throat. How was I ever interested in him?

"I need a payment a little early," he says. I jump when a door opens behind me and a drunk couple stumbles out with their mouths still attached.

I walk further down the backyard and run a hand through my hair, "I just paid you last week," I argue, "I don't have the money right now," I tell him honestly.

He sounds amused as he takes in a puff of something, "I need a ride then," he laughs as a guy's voice comes through the phone.

"I'll order you a car," I tell him as I put my phone on speaker, "Where are you?" I ask.

"Not an Uber. I want you," he says as I clench my jaw trying to fight the urge to throw my phone into the pool. I wrap my arm around myself as my arms are covered in goosebumps.

"I can't. I'm at an event and if you want more money I can't just leave," I tell him.

"You'll figure out something," he says as he hangs up the phone. I hate him. I lean on the fence around Kevin's house and drop my head down. I can't just leave. Joe drove us here and he will get worried if I lie and say I don't feel good. He wouldn't send the video out with the risk of missing out on more money. There's no way he's that dumb.

"E? What are you doing out here?" Joe asks making me close my eyes before turning around. I give him a small smile before mumbling something about work, "I thought you said everyone went on Holiday. Who is calling you on a Friday night at nine o'clock?" He asks.

I freeze a little before speaking, "Stella, she left her wallet in the office and I was telling her the code to the office," I lie walking towards him with a forced smile.

He holds his hand out for me to grab and pulls me in. He wraps his arms around me when he sees I'm shivering, "Kara beat Kevin and now he's drinking away the night," he says making me laugh against his chest.

"We should join him. I need something to warm me up," I smirk resting my arms on his shoulders as his hands slip down to my waist.

"I can think of another way to warm up," he whispers. I pull away and push him back a little calling him a frat boy before walking off. He trails behind me chasing me up the stairs. I scream through my laugh as he picks me up from behind and carries me into the kitchen. I kick the air begging for him to put me down as I look at Kevin for help. He just looks at his drink and walks out to find Daniella. I feel my ass hit the counter and gasp at how cold it is.

"How about we do two shots and then join them on the dance floor?" he asks as I nod my head with a happy smile. I know this is the right decision. I can't live in fear of those photos...I'll just give him more money on the next will work...hopefully.

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