Chapter 12: Disguised

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—Eva's POV—
"These are for you," Stella says when I walk into the office. A vase of flowers sits on the top of her desk. A bouquet of orange and red flowers fills the room with their amazing smell.

"From who?" I ask looking for a card. I finally find one and flip it open smiling down at it.

To My Favorite Girl <3

"If you were his favorite girl why hasn't he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" She asks.

"He's not into labels. You can't seriously still be iffy about him too," I tell her as I pick up the flowers.

"I'm just saying," she mutters before handing over the paperwork I have to do before I start my day. The smile on my face is huge as I sit them down on my desk. The bright colors make the room so much better to sit in for the next couple of hours. I take my phone out and shoot him a quick text so he knows I got them.

Eva: I love them thank you

Logan: I'm glad

I take a photo of them and post them on my story. Nobody needs to know they weren't from Joe. It's not like his name is on the card or anything. Throughout the day I watch the number of views on my story go up and up, "I see you're hard at work," Hues says knocking on my door as he opens it.

"You know me," I tell him as I finish organizing my files, "what do you have planned for the weekend?" I ask.

"Very funny," he says as I look at him confused, you forgot didn't you," he says making my heart drop. I rummage around for my calendar and see what the date is.

"Shit. I lost track of time with this stupid dating thing," I tell him, "I'll be ready. I promise," I tell him as he gives me a skeptical look. This weekend is the most important day of the year for charities. It's this big gala thing where fancy people stand around and bid on donating. It's publicized that's the only reason people come to look good. Every charity nominates one person to talk about themselves to bring in the big bucks. Normally we make out with a little under three grand because most people donate to puppies or things that pull at the heartstrings. Most people hear school and turn to the person next to them in conversation. This year I was planning on going all out but I've been busy every night almost.

"I know we have the Jonas Brother money coming in at the end of the year but if they fail we need this," he says. I nod my head and tell him I have it covered, "Don't stay here too late," he says as he starts walking out.

Why is the entire company on my shoulders? Why can't Hues handle this for once? I should be running this place not him, "Should I order you some coffee?" Stella asks as she walks into my office. I lift my head and frown when a paper sticks to my forehead. I blow it off and tell her a thank you as she laughs.

By the time I finish my work for today, it's already 10 p.m. I debated working on the proposal when my phone rang on my desk, "What are you doing right now?" Nick asks making me pull my phone away and look at the contact.

"I'm at work? Why?" I ask.

"So don't panic or anything but there are some fans outside of your office," Kevin says as it sounds like he's driving. I move to my window and see a small group gathered by the window.

"How the hell did they find out where I work?" I whisper yell as if the fans can hear me.

"You're known as a head of that charity? What the fuck do you mean how do they know?" Joe asks as I sit back down.

"How did you guys even find out?" I ask.

"Cause we are spies, duh," Kevin says making me laugh, "We are on our way to escort you out. Though it's the least we could do," Nick says.

"We are sneaking in the back," Joe says before hanging up the phone. I stare at my phone as the screen goes black. I feel like I'm stuck in a cliche movie every day. I grab my purse and shut down my office. I sip the rest of my coffee before throwing it into the trash. When I walk downstairs I see the three of them in disguises. Kevin is wearing a fake mustache and a gray wig, Nick's in a granny outfit, while Joe just wears sunglasses and a trenchcoat.

"What in the hell is this?" I ask taking my phone out. The three of them pose like they are in Charlie's Angels as I snap the photo.

"We have always wanted to do this," Nick says flicking his gray hair behind his back, "we even brought you one," he says. Kevin pulls an outfit behind his back and I stare at it with a blank expression on my face.

"You're joking," I whisper as I grab the clothes. I walk into the bathroom and change seeing that they gave me an outfit that looks like I should be in karate kid, "how is this inconspicuous?" I ask confused.

"It's not but it's the only other costume we had," Kevin says as I laugh.

"Let's go," Joe says as the four of us walk to the doors. It's like a Mission Impossible movie. We walk outside and the doors fly open and a gust of wind flows through our hair. But it all comes crashing down when someone screams Joe's name. Kevin yells to run and I start losing it as we book it towards their car. Nick gets into the driver's seat as we get into the closest seat. Kevin is in the front, while Joe and I are shoved into the back.

"Way to go, Joe," Kevin says turning around and glaring at his younger brother.

"I have to admit it was kind of fun," I tell them pulling the stupid headband off.

"What can I say I'm just too good-looking to hide under a disguise," he says making us all roll our eyes.

"You picked such a lame outfit. Anyone would recognize you," I tell him.

"Alright Daniel LaRusso," he says flicking the black belt around my waist.

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