Chapter forty-two

Start from the beginning

When no one moved, Luke sighed. He was not in the mood.

The past year, he's felt like something was amiss in his life. He felt like a facade was plastered on his whole Pack and nothing felt right. The only thing that felt right was the repulsion towards Rolus.

"What did Rolus say?" Tamera asked once again.

Luke shook his head. He was not telling them anything if they were not willing to be honest with him.

The Annual Pack Meeting was in a week, so Luke was busy the last two weeks. It was only touch ups as they already prepared their documents months prior.

He didn't have time to think about Rolus. He has not attacked the other Pack since Rolus asked him to stop. He didn't even know why he listened to Rolus.

Maybe he was desperate for a mate so he clung to the possibility of Rolus being his mate. But then so many have come and claimed to be his mate, and they were lying. What made Rolus different? He ought to ask Peter. He needed to know if Rolus was telling the truth. Then... then... Then what?

No! Rolus was not his mate. Rolus was Lucia's mate and he killed her. The deep hatred he felt for Rolus was so unexplainable that it made him mad. He hated the man, but it was not like this before.

Luke shook his head, trying to rid the headache he felt when he delved too deep into his mind thinking about the other Alpha.

Meeting the other Alphas at the Annual Pack Meeting has always been a chore, especially Alpha Zelda. She was clingy this time more than usual. He didn't remember her being all over him this way. The woman was practically glued to him now. When Leticia came, she headed straight for him.

He felt guilty because he refused her entry to his Pack months ago. So, when she was near him, he ripped Zelda's arm off him, then raised his hands.

"Before you say anything, I can explain," he said, removing the frown on his face.

"Then explain." She was glaring.

Zelda forcefully grabbed his hand and clasped them together. Luke didn't pay her any mind because he was focused on Leticia's anger.

"I've been busy and I didn't want any disturbances. I'm sure you understand, right?"

"Busy doing what? I hope you're not planning to have a small ceremony, right? I should be the first to get the invitation," she said, smiling. She hugged Luke tight, rocking them back and forth.

Luke hugged her back, but he was confused. When she let go, she must have seen the confusion on his face because her smile disappeared.

"You are having a ceremony, right?"

"What ceremony?" He had to ask.

"Your mating ceremony, of course!"

"What mating-" Luke stopped himself, now registering what Leticia said. He stood there frozen, at a loss for words.

"I hope you are going to have a ceremony. Right?"

Luke couldn't reply. He was shocked. Fortunately, Peter came. Or unfortunately because Leticia addressed him.

"Peter, please convince your Alpha to do the mating ceremony. Please?"

Peter looked from Leticia to Luke, then back and forth again. He looked uncomfortable. He better be because now that Leticia has given him an opening, he was going to cease it.

Peter panicked when Luke grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side.

He let go when they were a distance from the others, staring at Peter expectantly.


"What?" Luke asked back. His heart was beating harder than ever, afraid to hear the news from Peter. He was afraid that Rolus was right. That he was right all along. That he was the one rejected and Rolus didn't say anything all along.

"Did Rolus tell you?" Peter asked, voice shaking.

Luke was shaking. He was petrified when he asked, "Is it true?"

Peter looked around, for a way out. Luke didn't need anymore confirmation. His legs were shaky, and Peter reacted in time to catch him before he could fall.

"Sorry, Luke. I was going to tell you, but I-"

"Are you alright, Luke?" Rolus asked, touching Luke's shoulder.

"Don't touch me," he said, voice venomous.

Rolus staggered back, the hurt in his eyes angering Luke more.

Peter ushered Luke to their car, saying something about Luke not to the meeting. Luke felt like he was underwater. Everything happened, passing him by.

He put his head on the dashboard and closed his eyes. He couldn't feel anything. He felt like he was drowning, and there was no one to save him.

When he awoke, he felt disoriented. When he checked the time, he saw that the meeting was still in progress.

He looked at his face on the mirror, checking to see if he was still proper. When he saw the sweat on his face, he grabbed the tissue and wiped it. His mind was muddled, but he was functioning alright. He saw it best to show face at the meeting.

He got out of the car, then went to the entrance. When he entered, he saw that the meeting was over. Peter was by his side when he saw him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, holding his shoulder.

Luke was mad at Peter, but he contained himself. He didn't want the other Alphas to see that they were fighting.

Alpha Christian came to them, asking how he was feeling.

"I'm fine now," he replied, glaring at Rolus when he was about to come over.

Alpha Christian seemed to notice and chuckled, asking, "Trouble in paradise?"

If he didn't respect the man, Luke would have glared at him.

"Congratulations, Alpha Luke. Both of you actually. It is always a joy to see Alphas having their mates. I am happy to officiate the ceremony, if you will have me. I know the last time I did that, Rolus ran away." Alpha Christian laughed dryly.

Luke looked at Rolus in surprise. Rolus looked away, his cheeks becoming pink.

"I'll never forget that day!" Alpha Zelda said, coming up beside Luke and standing too close for comfort. "He ran away from his replacement mate. Now, come to think of it, he was running after you. Oh, wow! And you should have seen poor Tamara!"

"It's Tamera," Alpha Leticia corrected, pulling Zelda to her side, probably to get her away from Luke since Rolus was growling.

Luke turned around to face Rolus. He was definitely growling.

"Well, be sure to send out those invitations. It's been a year. We all want to celebrate with you," Alpha Christian said. He bid everyone goodbye.

Leticia followed after, with the promise of coming over to the Pack. As for Zelda, she was glaring at Rolus like it was his fault that her and Luke couldn't get together.

And Luke just realised that Rolus came with his Gamma. The man was standing behind Rolus, avoiding his stare.

"Give me a call, alright?" Alpha Zelda said, smiling at Luke.

Luke nodded, just to get her to leave. When she left, it was just the four of them left. Luke didn't know what to do or say, but what he knew was that being in close proximity made his wolf want to tear the other Alpha apart. If they were truly mates, then why did he feel this way?

There was no love from his side or care. All he felt was deep hate.

When Rolus sat down, he expected Luke to do the same. Luke didn't, but he didn't leave either. He just wanted answers.

Peter and Zachariah seemed to have a silent agreement to excuse themselves. The room became stifling the moment they left.

Luke had a half a mind to leave too, but restrained himself.

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