Chapter XXII. The Undercover Plan

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The plan started rather simply. They appeared in an Alley in one of the more distant French cities. It took her a moment to realize that Abernathy had been more informed than she was.

He guided her towards the key points that most wizards were and she was surprised how many recognised her. However, all seemed to be followers or potentially interested.

She spoke faintly, giving her best impression of Gellert and trying to sound as charming as he was. She made sure her sentences were sort and with his faint accent, just like he usually did.

Abernathy spoke more, passing them magical flyers and talking about an upcoming rally where Gellert Grindelwald would give his speech and inform them of something great.

The first few cities went quite smoothly, many getting riled up and ready to join while others were clearly deep in thought. Only a few seemed to oppose but no one dared to make a move.

In one of their last stops, they were met by resistance. During one of the speeches, a few Aurors that seemed to have been placed undercover tried to attack them.

Thankfully, Roxanne blocked their spells with a simple shield charm, and Abernathy quickly made them step back. The problem was, Roxanne and Gellert had many different dueling styles and she was afraid they would get exposed.

To their rescue came their supporters, many of whom grabbed their wands and defended them despite the risk of exposing themselves to any muggle passing by.

In that small moment of chaos, Abernathy grabbed her upper arm and teleported them back to the main house.


The landing was a little bit rough, both almost stumbling as their feet touched the wooden floors of the Parisian house. Once they were stable on their feet, did they look at one another.

Abernathy still had his hand around her and Roxanne, knowing they were safe; had quickly chosen to transform back to herself. She ignored how the suit fell baggy on her form, being a few sizes too big and instead gave a small smile.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins, her heart ringing in her ear and by the look Abernathy had; he was under a similar feeling.

"That was a close one," she said, slowly getting her breath under control. "Thank you, for saving me back there" she continued.

Upon seeing her back in her normal form, the American wizard could not help but smile as well. The oversized suit looked cute on her and her voice was always more preferable to Grindelwald's heavier one. Realizing he was still holding her hand, he gently released her.

"It's my pleasure...I job was to assist you either way and couldn't let you be exposed" he justified, clearly trying hard not to overdo it but failing to do so.

Yet, Roxanne was amused by his reaction and she was glad to be in his presence. Unlike Vinda, Abernathy was a warmer person. Sure at the beginning he was kind of cold towards her, which was expected, but he had slowly warmed up to her.

She could see he wasn't truly a bad person and was only serious because he was an acolyte but it was not a major thing of his personality.

"Well, I think you did your job very well. It wouldn't have been successful without your presence" she commented, humble as ever.

"I doubt it. I saw you giving those small speeches. You have a talent and your unique skills match you. I am sure you would have managed to fool anyone" he argued, passively complimenting her.

At first, he was mistrustful of her, he was not going to lie. Showing up one day and being immediately favoured by Grindelwald without truly having done much, compared to everyone else; triggered him wrong.

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