Chapter III. Gellert Grindelwald

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The day the new resident of Godric's Hollow arrived, had finally come. It was a very usual day and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary on this nice summer morning.

Roxanne had been looking forward to that day and ironically, when it came; she had almost forgotten about it.

In the time that had passed since Bathilda Bagshot had told her the news of her great nephew coming; lots of things took place.

The most important one was the latest outbursts of Arianna's powers. Being suppressed for so many years, they had become volatile and under moments of emotional stress, they would unleash themselves and potentially injure innocent bystanders.

Worse was the fact that poor Arianna felt guilty about it, resulting in her not leaving her room for days on end. Not even Roxanne had the ability to fully make her smile anymore or even persuade her to come out of her room; something that had saddened the metamorphmagus fully.

She was deep in thought as she walked, her mind trying to think of something to cheer Arianna and support Kendra more when she bumped into someone.

"My apologies, I wasn't looking," she said and she lifted her head to look at the person she had bumped into.

He was a young tall man, taller than Albus and her for sure. Yet, he seemed to be in her age of 16 if not a year older.

His hair was little past his shoulders and we wore only black, yet somehow making it look stylish and formal.

The most mesmerising thing about him, however, was the depth of his eyes. They glowed with intelligence and power like no one else's. One look at him and one would tell that this young man was destined for greatness.

"You were not" was his reply, a little cold and rude.

Immediately, a pout formed on her lips and she narrowed her eyes at him. "I admitted that no need for you to repeat it you know," she said, folding her hands in front of her chest as she craned her neck to keep eye contact.

The stranger seemed amused by her reaction and yet lifted an eyebrow, curious to see what she would do next.

That moment never came as Bathilda Bagshot walked out of the shop nearby, in her hands holding a basket filled with new quills and ink.

Upon noticing her, the older woman smiled. "Roxanne! Oh, I was just about to find you. Couldn't this be any better" she said with a huge smile as she stood next to the young man. "This is Gellert, my great nephew I talked to you about?"

Immediately, Roxie paled a few tones once she connected the dots. The shock was so big that she lost control of her powers, her eyes quickly turning from their usual amber to green and red before she regained control.

"Uhm, yeah...I remember" she said as she tried to hide the little embarrassing moment, thankful that it wasn't her hair affected by her emotions this time.

Gellert had his sharp gaze on her, silently studying her. He had gotten a good look at her sudden eye colour changes and it did not take him more than a few seconds to realise what the young woman in front of him was.

"Gellert, this is Roxanne Louise that I mentioned. She leaves at the cottage on the other side of the village and she will be your guide in this town" Bathilda said, a radiant smile on her lips as she had just secured the match of the year.

"I see," he said, eyeing her up and down before his lips curved into a smirk. "A metamorphmagus, right?" He asked casually, making her look around to ensure that no one overheard them.

This made him frown, upon seeing both his aunt and Roxanne ensuring that no muggles would hear them. Yet another place where magic and wizards were forced to remain hidden from the non-magical ones.

Divided (Grindelwald x OC x Dumbledore)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora