" But- " Taemin started to speak but Taehyung gave him a glare and signaled Taemin to follow him.

Taehyung didn't say anything in response. Instead, he silently turned and left the room. Hye-joon and Taemin followed him out, leaving Jungkook to rest in peace.

At home........

At home, Taemin turned to Taehyung, his eyes brimming with tears, and he wrapped his arms around Taehyung tightly. "Appa, you s-said eomma would talk to me, but h-he doesn't want to see my presence near him," he murmured, his voice trembling.

Taehyung hugged Taemin back, feeling Taemin's loud heartbeat against his chest. He gently patted his back and said, "Eomma needs to rest, he's tired. Give him some time." With a tender touch, he wiped away Taemin's tears and guided him to the sofa, motioning for Hye-joon to join them.

" Come sit here," Taehyung said to Hye-joon while patting an empty spot beside him.

Hye-joon sat beside him and then Taehyung took Taemin's and Hye-joon's hands in his own, his expression serious yet filled with love. "Listen carefully to what I'm about to say," he began, his voice gentle and low.

"You know you both are really special to me right?" Taehyung continued, his gaze shifting between his children. "You're both mature now, and I'm sure you understand how wrong we've been." He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Sometimes in life, we hurt the people who mean the most to us without even realizing it. We take them for granted and disrespect them, and we don't realize it until it's too late."

He took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting his guilt. "There comes a point where feeling guilty won't help anymore, and all you can do is regret," Taehyung said, his voice was starting to crack a bit,

"I don't want to see my kids live with that regret.......I thought I was a good father until I really thought about it. A man isn't a good father until he teaches his children to respect their mother."

" I didn't realised that by ignoring Jungkook and not caring about him was giving a bad inf-flunce to your minds. I stayed silent all the time when you both would disrespect your mother and trust me, I........ I re-eally can't explain how miserable I feel thinking about it. "

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he spoke, "I feel gu-uilty, really gu-uilty," he confessed. "But will everything go back to normal now? No. Nothing will work out until we actually try to resolve the issue."

" if I wo-ould just sit here and silently reg-gret and cry, it won't change anything. Tears show our pain but don't solve the problem by which we are feeling the pain."

He squeezed their hands gently, his voice filled with determination. "Now, I want you both to try your best and do everything you can to show that you really deserve your mother's forgiveness," Taehyung urged, "I will also try my best."

With a soft kiss on each of their hands, Taehyung rose up from the sofa,

As Taehyung turned to leave, a gentle tug on his hand stopped him in his tracks. He felt Taemin's presence behind him and turned to face his son, his expression softening at the sight of the tears in Taemin's eyes.

"Appa," Taemin began,

Taehyung waited patiently, his attention fully focused on his son. "Hmm?" he responded, encouraging Taemin to continue.

"What if eomma doesn't forg-give us?" Taemin asked, his voice was anxious and sounded like he would start crying.

Taehyung let out a heavy sigh,"It's okay, Taemin-ah," he reassured, his voice gentle and soft. "He will forgive you...... just be there for him."

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