Chapter 10 Party later!

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Ari hugged me... See you at the court house tomorrow!  I smiled " Don't miss it ... I'll  text the time!"
We went to the mansion passing through the beautiful archway entrance.

Molly , prepare rooms for our guests! " Yes Milord!  Come with me to my study! I , noticed Lady Izayoi in awe of the architecture.
We went in..  I , sat in Tanner's lap while the others sat on the two couches. Tanner , and Sid's dad sat in the decorative straight chair.

I see our Jessica made friends and important ones! He chuckled ... So , much like her parents!  They , were very loved and honored the Inu clan family!

I , am General Toga! Hmm , yes I see and ... she , already knew who you were when they met you before! " I , might've acted like I didn't to avoid the extra weirdness!" Naughty , like you were as a child!

" Hey it's a talent!" He chuckled again. The , general thumped my head then smirked.... Jessica , your truck is in the garage! " Thanks!" I , know you were angry but don't hide like that!

" So Tanner , are you men going to do the bachelor party thing here? Or , do you all just want to get shit faced with food , and listen to music or something?"  Bachelor party?  Sid grinned at Miroku ... It's a party for a man getting married to enjoy his last night unmarried if you catch my meaning!

" Sid , don't order strippers unless the women , get to order chip n dales!" No we aren't doing that baby! " Then what Tanner?"  Let's , all dance and have dinner here! " Okay , but I need to go to my old house and , get something ready for tomorrow!"

What pray tell are strippers? Miroku you perv! ... What is wrong Sango?
Now , my man stepping over to my phone? Miroku , looked at the video and got a nose bleed!

" Lady Izayoi , would you all like to see my mother's wedding dress?"
Oh , that would be delightful! " The women can come along no men! The old wives tales said so!" I stuck my tongue out.

Joking , with Tanner so he kissed me and had the others blushing.
" Come on Ren!" We , go down the street to my old farm house and get inside.

" Just , make yourselves comfortable!" I went to my bedroom closet and got it out.
It has a corset waist laced with jewels ,  a hoop skirt and train, beautiful veil , and cleavage.

I , got my make-up and some pearl earrings.  I put it on and walked out " Would , you guys lace my corset?"
My , it is so pretty! Ren felt the lace and jewels. Yes , I dare say I agree!
But why not red? " It's a tradition here Sango! But , we can do red for the after party because... I , don't have anything in red that's nice enough for the wedding!"

Shippo blushed.. I dug around in my things and found some  pretty hair barrettes  they played with my hair and fixed it , while I worked on makeup then..  I , put on the silk ballerina slippers and earrings.
" How is it guys?"

Oh dear you're  beautiful! Can I marry you one day? Shippo , slipped up and blushed. Well , Shippo let's see what the future holds!"  So , then I just took it off there and grabbed my red summer dress and sandals.

I , hung it out to air and put the pins and everything we used there..
I , got the necklace  that Tanner, made me in highschool and wore it.
Grabbing , my music we got back to the mansion.

Mother , they are having the maids cook dinner! Inuyasha blushed a bit but ... Kagome! She ran outside..
I'll talk to her son! His , mom went out to her. " Inuyasha , I know how she feels! But , at least I'm not pushing her away like I was!"

Your pretty! " Your quite handsome!"  I surprised him with a hug  and...  I was surprised he pulled me to his chest hugging... Another , pair of arms wrapped around me from behind.

Inuyasha kissed my cheek and walked off. Long white hair drapes beside my  neck as he licks my neck lean my neck back giving him access. My ,ass pressed against his member ... I will accept you!  " Then we can mate later!" Why not now? He smirks .. " Because , Sesshomarou we need to eat and enjoy the party a little while!" He , chuckled the first time I've ever heard it.

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