Chapter 11

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Knees bouncing nervously underneath his desk, Scott watches as the teacher returns the tests. Adeline sits beside him, playing with her fingers anxiously. She knows for a fact she hasn't had time to study for this test and that she absolutely failed it.

Stiles leans forward to whisper to Scott, his voice barely above a murmur. "If Derek's not the Alpha--if he's not the one who bit you--who did?"

Adeline sends Stiles a small glare, thinking to herself that he really sucks at whispering; at this rate, she's surprised the whole school doesn't know werewolves exist.

"I don't know," Scott responds quietly. Stiles sits back, deep in thought. Then, he leans forward again, prompting Adeline to tilt her head in confusion. Couldn't he just mumble something and Scott would hear it?

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know." Stiles flops back. Leans forward again.

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

"I DON'T KNOW." Scott slinks down in his seat when he realizes everyone is staring at him. The Teacher finally drops Adelines test on her desk. She turns it over to see a big C-. Her Dad was going to kill her. 

"Dude, you need to study more." Scott puts his head in hands, overwhelmed.

Stiles notices Adeline laying her head down on the desk next to his and narrows his eyes at her. She never gets bad grades. He leans in closer to Scott and continues, "And that was a joke. It's just one test. You need help studying?"

"I'm studying with Allison at her house after school."

"That's my boy."

"We're just studying."

"No, you're not."

"No, I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity I'll have you professionally de-balled. Got it?"

"Leave him alone Stiles." Adeline grumbles.

"Fine. If you stop with the questions I will."

"Done. No more talk of Alphas or Derek. Especially Derek. Who kidnapped Ads. I need to have a conversation with him about that."

"No!" Both Adeline and Scott yell at the same time making the teacher glare in their direction

As students rush to the parking lot, racing for their cars at the end of the day, Stiles hops into his Jeep. He waits for Adeline to get into the passenger side before speaking. "Can you talk to me now, Addie? I know you're still upset with me. I didn't mean to call you helpless, you know that," he says, pulling out of the parking lot.

It's fine Stiles. I'm just stressed with everything right now." 

Stiles swings around for the exit, about to respond to Adeline, when Derek steps right in front of him. Stiles slams on the brakes, causing all of the cars behind him to screech to a stop as well, nearly causing a pile-up in the school lot.

"What the hell!" Adeline yells in shock.

Scott starts running over just as Derek collapses right in front of the Jeep. Stiles jumps out of the driver's side.

"What are you doing here? Get up." Scott says quickly looking around as Adeline went to get out. "Stay in the car Addie." Scott tells her making the girl cross her arms clenching her teeth. "Dude, he's not looking too good." Stiles says.

"I was shot." Derek manages to get out. Derek tries to push himself up while Scott and Stiles kneel down to him. "Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks Derek.

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