Chapter 37: All Nighter

Start from the beginning

Kevin: we can do a two-man band right?

Joe: I'll go single call it The Joenas Experience

Eva: I wouldn't even go to that

Joe: I thought you would be the one person to have my back smh

Eva: :/

"Oh my god, you're so in love with him," Kara states as Danielle walks in. I look at her like she's crazy and she just stands there with her hands on her hips, "Look at your goofy smile," she says making me turn my head to the mirror. I immediately go straight face and turn back but my phone buzzes making me smile again, "I'm going to be sick," she says flinging her arms.

"All I'm saying is that if you guys marry the other two we are technically sisters," Danielle points out.

We both look at each other tempting it but shake our heads, "We haven't labeled anything but I don't know. How can I not be into him when all he does is stick up for me and tell me everything is okay," I explain.

"Oh," Danielle and Kara tease.

"Says the one who has a husband and a boyfriend," I point out, "Now let's forget about the men and have a proper girl's night," I announce.

"I don't have face masks but I do have a shit load of chocolate and some Christmas cookies," Kara offers up.

"I could eat a bus right now," I whisper grabbing a cookie.

"I ordered Chinese food and it should be here within the hour. Well, Kevin ordered it for us. It was his way of saying sorry we couldn't be together on Christmas," she says.

"I mean this in the most normal way possible. I'm in love with your husband," I tell her as she laughs.

"I am too," she smiles, "I just can't believe they were forced to perform on Christmas".

"I can now that we know their manager is the devil," Kara says aggressively biting into a cookie, "it's not fair the one year I have a boyfriend I don't spend Christmas with him".

"I'm putting on a Christmas movie to boost our spirits," I tell them grabbing the remote. When I turn the TV on I see my face on the screen before quickly turning the channel, "I'll never get used to that," I grimace. At least it was a decent picture they used, unlike some sites.

"Polar Express or Love Actually?" I ask. They both vote for Love Actually so I click play and get comfy on the couch. After watching three movies and some Christmas episodes of our favorite shows the two of them are passed out on the couch. I've just been playing whatever games I have downloaded on my phone.

Joe: you up?

Eva: what are you thirteen?

Joe: shut up you know what I meant. Why are you up it's almost 2 am.

Eva: couldn't sleep, you?

Joe: bored out of my mind

I jump when I see a FaceTime call coming through. I quickly run to the other room and answer, sitting on the edge of their spare bedroom bed, "Hey," he says. His sleepy voice sent a shiver down my spine, "Merry Christmas".

"Merry Christmas. How was the show?" I ask.

"Fun I just wish you guys were here. You should have seen the amount of signs saying I'm the hottest Jonas," he laughs.

"I didn't know you were playing a show for the blind," I tell him as he centers the phone on his face to glare at me, "Kidding. But that's nice".

"What about you guys? How was girls night?" He asks he says fixing his hair in the camera.

"I ate too many cookies and Kara almost stabbed me for the last egg roll," I tell him.

"The usual then," he says as we both laugh, "Kara kept sending me pictures of you laughing during whatever movie you were watching," he says making me groan as I hide my face.

"No, she didn't," I say in disbelief as he continues laughing, "I'm gonna go send a picture of her sleeping to Nick". We sit in silence for a moment and I can tell he wants to ask how I am but he's not.

"I wore your gift," he says shocking me. I got him a gag gift with my face on it saying, "World's Best Girlfriend". I'm surprised he would wear it because of what's happening.

"Well your 'girlfriend' wants you to come home so go to sleep," I tell him putting air quotes around girlfriend.

"I guess I should...." He says not wanting to. We kind of just lose track of time on the phone. None of us want to hang up so we just keep talking and talking. It's weird how our relationship has grown. I can't imagine my life without him now and it feels insane. It might be a little crazy how fast everything's happened but life is short. Around six am, I put my shoes on and walked outside of Nick's house to sit on the chairs on his porch. I yawn with my head leaning on the chair as Joe tells me about this amazing breakfast place he wants to take me.

"Babe, go to bed," he says making me smile at the stupid pet name. I've noticed the more tired he gets the more he calls me things like that, "Please tell me I don't see the sun coming up on your screen," he pleads. I flip the camera and he starts laughing as he sees the sunrise, "how are you not freezing?" He asks.

"I'm bundled up and I won't be out here long," I tell him as he gives me a skeptical look. The door behind me slides open and I see Kara walk out with two cups of coffee.

"What the hell are you doing out here? It's fucking freezing," she says rubbing her arms. She hands me the coffee and then sees me on the phone with Joe, "How long have you been awake?".

"She hasn't gone to bed," he says through the phone making me gasp.

"Eva. Go to bed," she scolds as I frown. She sees me looking back at the phone and leaves us to say goodbye.

Joe sits up in his spot in bed and looks at the camera, "See you tonight?" He asks. I nod my head with a cheesy grin, "Goodnight girlfriend".

"Goodnight boyfriend"

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