Chapter 56 - To Safety

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[10 pm; Khushi's hospital room]

Out of nowhere, Aashna flung open the door to Khushi's room in the hospital and walked into Kartik talking to his parents while Khushi was still unconscious on her bed.

Hearing the sudden sound, Kartik turned around to see Aashna scanning Khushi's medical equipment. Before she could turn to Kartik, he was already standing in front of her, blocking her way forward. "Hey, I said you cannot-"

Aashna didn't let him finish his sentence and pushed him aside to move towards his parents. "Namaste, Auntie! Namaste Uncle! I got to know that you've decided to adopt Khushi? That's some amazing news! I'm really happy... More like relaxed about her life ahead. I hope she finds her comfort and a full-fledged family with you all."

"We will try our best." Kartik's mother gave her an assuring smile. "We're yet to talk to her. We're hoping she agrees to be with us."

"Oh, I'm sure she will!" Aashna confirmed and turned to Kartik. "Right, Kartik?"

"Huh? How would I know..." He mumbled.

"Sorry?" Aashna asked, louder this time.

"Ye- Yeah! Why wouldn't she!" Kartik went along with Aashna's words.

"Okay, Auntie, Uncle, I came here to meet you. I've seen Khushi, too. I'll leave now. Congratulations! Bye, take care, everyone!" Aashna started leaving the room.

Kartik followed her out. "Girisha told you about this? Did she not tell you to stop meddling in my business?" He spoke while both of them walked towards the end of the corridor.

"What business? What do you sell?" Aashna retorted while still walking ahead of him.

That response made Kartik mad. "YOU-"

Aashna wasn't going to listen to him. "Oh shut up. And don't go with this hung face in front of your parents. They'll be getting a daughter. Be happy around them. AND NEVER IN FRONT OF KHUSHI WILL YOU MAKE THIS ROTTEN FACE! GOT IT?" They were out of the hospital by now, walking towards the exit gate.

"I know... WAIT. Did you just- Shut Up? I SHUT UP?" He yelled, stressing on the 'I' and pointing towards himself. "YOU SHUT UP!"

"YOU DOUBLE SHUT UP," Aashna replied.



"YOU INFINITE SQUARE SHUT UP!" Kartik smirked at the assurance of Aashna not having a comeback to his last statement.

That was until he heard her say, "Not Defined. Like your opinion."


Before he could express his frustration, Aashna banged a notebook on his face. "Here. Muskan sent these notes. Study well. Exams are coming up. If needed, we'll sit and revise together someday. For now, take care of everyone including yourself and eat something healthy. Get out of this hospital and wander around in fresh air more often. I'll leave. Bye."

Aashna concluded the conversation and settled herself in the cab that was already waiting for her outside the exit gate of the hospital.

- X - X - X - X - X -

Back at Nisarg Empire, the two goons were dragging Abhimanyu and Muskan towards a nearby van at the back of the parking lot. As they moved through a tiny portion of light, the tears brimming out of Muskan's closed eyes turned visible to Abhimanyu. Both of them were still trying their very best to get out of the men's grip but there was little they could do under the gunpoint.

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