Chapter 24 - Them Again

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Trigger Warning: Slightly mature language (cuss words) and mild-moderate violence towards the end of the chapter.


Someone had thrown a stone inside the cafe. Thankfully the window was open so nothing broke and no one was hurt- that it was definitely meant to. A few other people who were already sitting there screamed in fear. Aashna turned around hearing the commotion. She saw the stone on the floor and from the desk itself, ran outside the cafe to catch hold of whoever had thrown it. The other five ran behind her for the same. Even after searching all the surrounding areas, they didn't find anyone. Lost, they returned to the cafe and settled down.

"We should file a complaint. This can't be happening every day..." Khushi said, looking at Aditya and Aashna.

"It wasn't the first time?" Kartik asked, heavily concerned for their safety.

"It happened yesterday, too. We just talked about it." Aditya replied.

"Let's wait. It could be by some kids playing around. If it happens again, and really turns out to be dangerous, we'll file against them." Aashna said and picked up the stone. She put it under a nearby plant, just outside the window of the cafe. "I'm glad no one's hurt... for now." She mumbled, sincerely hoping for it to be a negligible event.

Khushi and Aditya went back to their work, with Kartik looking blankly towards them, probably in a worry. Muskan opened her files and started working. Aashna went up to Abhimanyu and sat between him and Muskan, where a seat was empty. "Let's prepare a consent form for the participants. We should start calling them to the University as soon as possible." She said, reminding him of their research.

Abhimanyu nodded in agreement and saw Aashna taking out her file from her bag. That's when he realised that he had forgotten his file in his car. He told her about the same and left for it. Before he could unlock his car, the car's security alarm went off. It was loud and sudden enough to startle him for a few seconds. However, without worrying about the car, he immediately started looking all over the place, searching for the person who was the reason for this. He peaked a little and found some people hiding behind a corner of the wall. Presenting himself in front of them, he stood there, with his arms folded on his chest, and watched them ignore him only to wear their gloves, ready to drive off on their bikes. He had finally found the people whom Aashna had talked about. They were about to leave after almost ruining his car and her cafe using some moulded stones- a stupid and childish way of getting revenge, as expected from kids their age.

He smirked while looking down as if challenging them to run away in under his sight. "Rudr Prajapati." He said in a loud voice, grabbing their attention. "16 years old." He took steps closer to them. "DR International School." He snatched one of the gloves from a boy and scanned it. "Future CEO of the RK Group." He neatly kept the glove back on the Bike's fuel tank and took a deep breath while staring into the boys' eyes. "Right?"

Even after all of this, those young teenagers, although somewhat shocked, managed to maintain their attitude. Rudr, the boy whom, Abhimanyu was talking to, took a step forward and matched his eyes. The girl who was standing beside Rudr noticed Abhimanyu's intimidating eyes and held Rudr's elbow to pull him back. "Rudr, Leave him. Let's go." She said.

"Absolutely right, Mister." Rudr flicked away her hand and replied to Abhimanyu. "And?"

"And... This." Abhimanyu pointed towards the back of his car, showing him the scratches they had made on it, by throwing stones. "How are we repaying?"

Rudr laughed sarcastically. "Oh, no, haha. No, no, no. THAT was the re-payment. We're clear now."

"Is it? But we're meeting for the first time, I think?"

"And yet you seem to be knowing a hell lot about me."

"Oh. I know a lot more than that. Like how you're supposed to be serving your punishment in a prison. But here you are, enjoying your life, after attempting a murder. Of a kid, that too. Guess she should've really hit you that night."

"So? Why do you care? Do not act like you are not aware of MY research about her. You've been following her like a dog these days. Are you her new... Sugar Daddy?" Rudr looked around at his friends as they all laughed. "Right? After that another guy? Damn. She's got all the boys wrapped around her fingers. You, him, even that kid-"

"MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!" Abhimanyu couldn't entertain him anymore.

"YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS BEFORE THAT!" Rudr screamed, picked up his helmet and hastened his steps towards Abhimanyu, lifting his hand to hit the latter on his head. Not like Abhimanyu hadn't expected that. He raised his hand to hold Rudr's hand but before he could, Rudr's hand was already stopped by... By? Aashna.

While everyone including Abhimanyu stared at her, she quietly snatched the helmet from Rudr's hand and kept it on the Bike's Fuel tank, over the glove. She then turned to everyone from his gang. "I know you can replace your damaged helmet in seconds, I know you can get away with all the complaints filed against you in minutes, I know you are much more capable than just all of this. You...? I doubt. Not so much. Your parents actually. So listen to me for one last time. While your parents are still alive to cover up your dirt, be grateful to them, and not some brainless brats. You have two options now. One, follow me and apologise to that kid and his parents. Two, leave everyone else the heaven alone."

The girl whom Rudr had pushed away scoffed at Aashna and went near her to speak up "A few boys around you and you think the world revolves around you? You little slu-" Aashna slapped her.

"Talk about yourself. I don't hide away behind anyone to make myself heard. That slap was for misbehaving with an adult, almost 7 years older than you." She turned to Rudr. "You better teach your gang manners and learn some yourself. The next time, I won't be talking to you all so politely." She once again glanced at the girl who was stroking her red cheek, and walked away, making Abhimanyu follow her.

Abhimanyu went towards his car to get his file. "Why don't we do anything about them?" He asked her on the way.

"It's true that I can't do anything much. They indeed belong to high-class, influential families. The whole neighbourhood gives in to their deeds in fear, so I can't even gather people to be against them."

Abhimanyu did not have any reply to that. He nodded and bent down into his unlocked car to pick up the file. As soon as he stood up straight again, the first thing he saw was Drishti standing in front of him. She kept staring at him and Aashna, with eyes filled with anger and disappointment.


A/N: This might be my first story, full of flaws, but I like where this is going. The characters are good, and events are falling into place, exactly how I want them to. I hope the readers are liking it too. Do not forget to interact :)

See you in the next chapter!

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