Chapter 12 - A Step Closer

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The boy's breath hitched as they waited for the professor to settle down and be ready to hear them out.

Aashna kept her file on the desk. "I have compiled most of the prerequisites. If this is good to go, I can start with the test conductions." She informed the professor of her progress in her research.

The boy visibly deflated realising he was safe, but he felt betrayed. 'This girl- she's here for something else.' He saw her smirking to make him angrier.

"Okay. I'll check it. Collect this back by tomorrow. For now, meet him. He's also preparing for the same competition as you. His topic is different, but let's have you both preparing together." The professor said.

"What?!" Aashna gave out a louder reaction than expected. "Ma'am, can't I work alone? Please?"

"I understand. But this will be convenient for me as well, to guide you both together."

It was his turn to smirk. He turned to her with a scoff and extended a hand, offering a handshake. "Abhimanyu Rajput. Nice to meet you."

Aashna remembered Abeer offering a similar handshake. She kept staring into his eyes from hers filled with pure hostility. The professor continued, "Abhimanyu, she's strongly experienced when it comes to research. Do attend to her and learn a lot during your partnership."

Abhimanyu maintained eye contact while flashing a puppy smile. "Sure, ma'am."

- X - X - X - X - X -

After their classes for the day were over, Abhimanyu went running towards Aashna before she could leave the university premises. He saw her walking towards the parking area beside the main gate.

"Aashna!" He called out and within seconds, was standing in front of her, huffing. "What if we start by tomorrow itself? Ma'am said I have less time for the competition's preparation."

"Breathe first. Why do you always keep running?" Aashna said as they started walking toward her cycle. "Mornings are for classes. So... afternoons? Online call rooms would be convenient."

Abhimanyu's face ceased accepting blood flow as if he had heard something traumatic. Afternoon slots were a big no for him. He couldn't think of any excuse and hastily muttered, "Mmm... My parents nap at that time so I can't disturb them." He internally punched himself for such a statement but gave her a hopeful look.

Aashna's expression never changed towards him. Though she wasn't convinced by that excuse, she let it pass, assuming it to be his personal matter. "Okay so, evenings then? Except tomorrow evening I have plans."

Abhimanyu vigorously agreed with her.

As she unlocked her cycle and sat on it, ready to leave, she turned back to him. "By the way, never seen you in class before?"

Abhimanyu, who was relieved by her departure, suddenly stiffened again. He stuttered, "I- I always sit at the very... back. Th- that's why? Maybe? Anyway, Bye" He waved his hand, hoping she would leave without any further interrogation.

'What's with him?' Aashna brushed it off, again.

- X - X - X - X - X -

Another all-nighter was pulled by Aashna to finally be able to return the borrowed books. She knew she had brought in more work this week than what was practically possible. However, she still did it somehow.

The next day, while leaving her university for home, she recalled her conversation with Abeer and decided to text him, [I'm going to a bookstore. Would you like to join?]

How could he deny it? He was dying to hang out with friends and nothing could have been better than a bookstore visit for him. In the evening, he quickly came down near Aashna's building. As Aashna came out of the gate, she saw him waiting under a tree. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and pants, and over this an unbuttoned navy blue checked shirt with folded sleeves. His hair was neatly combed, making him look ethereal even while just standing there, doing nothing.

"Let's go?" He heard Aashna say. He turned to see her walking towards him with a tilted head, expecting a reply from him. Her pace made her hair blow backwards and flaunt her neck. Her smile complimented her cotton kurti, over which she wore a sleeveless denim jacket. Her Totoro print tote bag dropped to her waist. Every single detail was so important for him to notice as if he would otherwise miss out on the most prominent theories of the universe. "I'm sorry, did you wait for long?"

He kept his phone in his pants pocket. "Nope. May I?" He said, extending his wristwatch-secured left hand towards her bag, asking to help her hold it.

"That's fine." She said while indicating for him to start walking.

"Where are we going, by the way?"

"Umm... a 20-minute walk from here, I think? I've been a member of this bookstore for 4 years now. They issue and also sell the books, whatever you'd like. The area has a park as well. It's a good place. I thought you'd like it."

"Bribing me for that one book's name, are we?" He lifted his eyebrows and said with a smirk.

"Will it work?" She mirrored him.

"It might?" They chuckled

"No really, I'm going there to return these books I borrowed last week. Been one hectic of a week, no?"

"That is true."

As they reached the store, they saw the name board was already off, and the interior was full of cardboard boxes and empty shelves. Aashna was confused as to what might have happened here. She was here just 6 days ago. When she was still trying to process the sight, a voice called her from behind. "Aashna! Here!" Both Aashna and Abeer turned to see who it was.

"Jeet?" He was the part-timer who issued her those books. They had known each other for 3 years. "Hi. This...?" She pointed towards the store.

"Yeah, they're closing. The owner will be shifting by next month I think. You can keep the books. One more thing. Come here." He went inside the store with the other two following him. "Here." He gave Aashna a magnetic bookmark with yellow flowers printed on it. The same flowers that were on the bookmark that Abeer had gifted her. "The encyclopaedia you bought that day? This goes free with it. You were in such a hurry while talking to that kid with you... and then I forgot to hand it over."

Abeer kept looking at that bookmark, itching to ask Aashna some obvious questions. She sensed it but didn't have any answers. Trying to avoid the conversation, she thanked Jeet and left the store.

"Wow. I really wanted to show you their collection." She said slowly, glancing everywhere but at him. The road suddenly seemed to be 100 times more attractive.

Abeer thought for a while with pressed lips, then sneaked from behind her and whispered, "If it's my turn now, shall we go to my bookstore?"


"As in, my recommendation. But, it's situated on the other side of a narrow alley. If you don't mind going through a secluded place at this time..."

Aashna thought before checking her watch. They were close to sunset time. "Let's go." She said, anyway.


A/N: That’s all for today's chapter, and see you in the next one! Until then, Happy reading <3

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