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When I head back to classes, I remember with a sigh that I have French. I think it's one of the few subjects I truly detest with all my heart. I take my usual seat, passing by a section of occupied desks.

All eyes are on me.

I couldn't help but avoid looking back at them as I slumped into my chair with a sigh. Crossing my arms over my chest, I could hear all the whispers about me:

Jaden's definitely hooking up with her!

Aren't they related?

He'll get bored of her in a few days!

For Jaden, she's just the flavor of the week.

I force myself not to listen anymore. I cover my ears until the teacher arrives. With the last tests. My heart sinks as she starts announcing the grades. My palms start to sweat, reminded of how poorly I did.

When she gets to me, she practically throws the test on my desk and says loudly:

"Very disappointing, Miss Addams. It's clear you don't like French. The lowest grade of all the tests."

I shift my gaze to the corner of the page, squinting when I see the grade. A big, red four adorns the paper, and I feel myself freeze. I've never received such a low grade in my life.

I blink in shock and, as I look around, the others are looking at me too.

Some laugh, and I want to die of embarrassment.

I turn the sheet over to hide that terrible grade. I feel criticized, judged. My eyes burn throughout the class. The bell rings, and I practically run out of the classroom.

It's lunch break now. I usually sit alone, at a table in the back of the room, but today I don't think I can handle being watched and scrutinized, especially after the French class incident.

Entering the dining hall, I line up for food, patiently waiting my turn. A pleasant and now familiar scent reaches my nostrils. A presence that once felt threatening to me now stands behind me. I know exactly who it is and resist the urge to smile.

"Hi," I whisper conspiratorially to Jaden when I turn towards him.

He's chewing gum and winks at me.

"Hello to you, Panda. What are you getting to eat?" He glances at the display case showing various dishes. I look too and decide on a Caesar salad.

"A salad," I announce.

Once I get my bowl, I make room for Jaden. I watch him mesmerized as he chooses a chicken leg and some mashed potatoes.

He gets his tray and asks in a whisper:

"Where are you eating?"

"I don't know, probably in the library. Everyone's staring at me here."

"I'll come with you," is all he says.

I try to hide my surprise and a strange warmth fills my chest as we both leave the cafeteria.

I'm happy because it means he enjoys spending time with me, just as I like being around him.

We reach the library, and Jaden opens the door. I appreciate that he lets me enter first and holds the door for me, like a gentleman.

He follows behind me. I lead him to the back of the library. A deathly silence reigns over everything. We sit at a secluded table, hidden by shelves full of books.

Jaden pulls up a chair next to mine. He looks disdainfully at my salad and says:

"I can't believe you're actually planning to eat that stuff," he says with a dramatic grimace.

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