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As soon as we reach the school parking lot, I wait for him to unlock the door. From his annoyed sigh, I know I've pushed him to the limit. Seizing the opportunity as I hear that click, I slip out. I sling my backpack strap over my shoulder, nearly tripping over a girl rushing towards me.

I only see red strands and the girl swiftly takes my place in the passenger seat. She slams the door, and through the windshield, I can vaguely make out her flipping me off. Rolling my eyes, I realize it's THAT redhead.

To be honest, I pity her. I can't fathom how she can stand being with such a monster.

Deciding not to dwell on it too much, I head towards class. A strange sensation washes over me as I notice curious stares while navigating the bustling hallways.

What the heck?

Whispers start to fill the air. The sound of hushed conversations, with most girls gesturing wildly and glancing at me. I know I'm being talked about, but I can't figure out why.

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks, and I dreadfully recall what happened yesterday. The spectacle orchestrated by Jaden himself. I should have known better than to leave with him. I've drawn too much attention to myself. For two years, I've been a nobody in this school, and I intended to keep it that way. It guaranteed my invisibility.

Now it seems like all the spotlights are on me, and it scares me senseless.

I glance down as I traverse the hallway. Opening my locker with trembling hands, I feel eyes boring into me. My eyes start to water in the most pathetic way possible. Clutching my books to my chest, I make it to Mr. Wilson's geography class first.

I settle into the back row, my usual spot. Sniffling, I open my textbook and reread the lesson before the bell rings. My head still throbs, but I'm determined to ignore the uncomfortable sensation.

The bell chimes just as I finish reading, and the other students file in. Once again, I'm under the spotlight, bitterly thinking as most of the girls curiously look my way for the first time since I've been in class with them.

I sigh audibly, resisting the urge to get up and leave.

After everyone takes their seats, Mr. Wilson enters the room. He stands at the front with a fake smile plastered on his face as he announces:

"Alright, everyone, there's been a change of plans. We need to go to room 12. The 'Save the North Pole Wildlife' organization has decided to pay us a visit. You'll be working with the seniors from class XII C," he informs us, and my heart sinks.

I can't believe this. It's impossible, like it's some huge conspiracy against me. XII C is Jaden's class. I know exactly what that means, and I swallow hard. I'm forced to see him again. The universe truly hates me, doesn't it?

I force myself to get up from my seat and walk to the door as if I have cramps. The thought of ditching crosses my mind, savior-like. But then I remember that skipping would probably annoy my mom even more now, after yesterday's incident. We have an electronic attendance system, and she would find out instantly.

I'm the last one to leave the classroom and, likewise, the last one to enter the seniors' classroom. As soon as I step inside, I see Jaden. He's with the redhead. I feel myself getting even angrier, strangely.

He looks up, and our eyes meet. But I immediately break eye contact. I quickly find a seat at the other end of the room, as far away from him as possible. I sit at a round table with eight seats, where three girls are already seated.

I sigh, staring blankly ahead. Someone plops down next to me. My nose immediately registers the scent of pines, and I know exactly who it is. Emotions surge through me like a torrent.

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