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Jaden is many things, but romantic or even decent has never been one of them. Since we met, he's only shown me his harsh side. That's why I think he's called "The Green Serpent," because he's just as vile with everyone. If you dare to answer him back, he bares his fangs.

Thinking about him is likely due to the shock from last night. I never expected him to act that way, especially towards me—a girl he despises, as he's let me understand many times so far.

I know he was drunk, by his staggering gestures and that cheeky grin I hadn't had the chance to see before, especially not directed at me.

Every time my idiot brother decides to throw parties at our house, I tend to lock myself in my room.

I'm too scared to do anything about their parties, as I believe Jaden would probably hurt me. There's something sinister about him. And what annoys me is that he's dragging my brother into this, because Travis wasn't like this before.

Jaden controls Travis. He's like that demon on the left shoulder, the one grandma used to tell me about, urging us to do only bad things.

Since the boy with blond hair and jade eyes entered our lives, everything started to go downhill, taking a strange turn.

I realize I've sunk too deep into my mind and brushed too hard with the electric toothbrush, until I bled. I spit it into the sink, remembering how my skin crawled with fear, right here in the bathroom, a few hours ago. I locked the door, waiting with bated breath to see what Jaden would do next.

It's still fresh in my mind how I jumped when he started pounding on the door, yelling for me to come out. For a few moments, I believed he would break down any barrier between us and burst in.

While I was still changing.

I wonder what you look like under that towel?

His words bring an embarrassing flush to my face. How could he say such a thing? A perverse part of me wonders if it meant something, considering you speak the truth when drunk. And another, even more depraved part, wishes it all were true—that Jaden wanted that, to see me. Without the towel.

I feel like slapping myself. I don't want this. All I wish for concerning him is to once and for all leave me, Travis, everyone alone. I wish he'd just leave this town.

I want him to go back to where he came from.

I dress in a hoodie, keeping on my short pajama bottoms, and open the door with reluctance. Now it's my turn, meaning it's time to clean the house and kick all the riffraff out. Mom is coming back tonight, so I have some time, considering it's Saturday and I don't have to go to school.

My face contorts in disgust at the sight of all the drunk and drugged teenagers scattered in every corner of the house, unconscious. It's always the same. I start looking for Travis and find him in the living room, smoking a cigarette. I freeze at the sight of Jaden, who is next to my brother.

Feeling my gaze, he turns around, and our eyes meet. His usual expression appears, the one he always has when he looks at me, which has only one name: boredom. I don't know why, but I feel a slight sting in my heart. I can't say I thought he'd behave differently, in a special way, because otherwise, I'd just be a foolish girl.

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