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I'm certain I will be left with severe traumas from today. There's something strange about Jaden, the way he looks at me. Especially his smile, which conveys that he has only malicious intentions.

Not to mention, the idea of setting foot on that roof makes my heart tremble with fear. I've heard that countless people have jumped off that roof.

"Move your ass over here," the psychopath yells at me, and I discreetly make the sign of the cross. Luckily, he doesn't see my gesture.

I watch him step onto the ladder and gesture for me to come. I force my legs to move in his direction. He extends his arm and immediately grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him.

My body betrays me, and I feel my cheeks flushing at his gesture.

"You first," he says in an amused tone.

I swallow hard, looking fearfully at the ladder that seems about to give way. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see something shining in the front pocket of his pants. A knife blade slips out from the hiding place of the denim.

He has a knife on him! My vision blurs, but I obey. I step onto the ladder, shaking all over. I hand him my phone. He snatches it brutally, signaling me to continue.

This is the end, I realize bitterly. I should have called the police when I had the chance.

I grip the fragile wood as best as I can, digging my nails into it. I almost whimper at the sharp pain that pricks my skin when the small pieces of wood injure me.

Jaden does not remove his arm from around my waist, and that whole area seems to burn me.

With care and luck, I manage to stay intact until I've climbed the last step.

I grab a pipe protruding through the ceiling, and the warm outside air makes contact with my sweat-drenched face. I feel like a lamb going to slaughter.

I pull my knees to my chest, sitting on the roof of "Shadow Psychiatric Hospital," waiting for my death. I observe with horror that the glossy surface of the shingles is covered, in turn, with old dried blood.

Something white catches my attention, and I swallow a scream when I notice it's a bone. I stand up, nearly losing my balance, just as Jaden's blond head appears.

His green eyes freeze me.

"Whoa, you started the fun without me?"

He is sick. Everything about this boy is rotten and corrupted.

I shake my head as he makes his way toward me. My pulse throbs in my ears. I tightly close my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, hugging myself. I feel his breath on my face and shudder.

"Now we're going to play a game, little Pandora," he whispers in a deceptively sweet tone.

I open just one eye, looking at him from beneath my lashes. His jade green gaze meets mine and then moves away from me.

"If you get to this knife before me, and pull it out of the pocket showing it to me, I will leave you alone and won't 'torment' you as you say," he mimics me in a thin voice. But if I find it first, he pauses, grinning wickedly and in a much darker tone, continues:

"Then you're 'mine,' to do as I please with you, and you won't say a word, to anyone. Do you agree?"

My eyes widen as he tosses the knife somewhere on the ground, and it disappears into the tall grass.

I didn't even get to see where he threw it, I realize bitterly.

The slim chance to escape him forever brings me hope and joy. If I win and actually find the knife before him, will he leave me alone as promised? Or does he want to draw me even further into his web, blocking any escape route? Beyond these thoughts, I feel a great relief realizing he doesn't intend to kill me.

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