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Two months later


"Pandora!" I hear my mother's voice calling me from behind.

I'm in the kitchen, helping with the cake. I narrow my eyes, carefully positioning the layer on top of the cream. Once I place the last part, I step back a bit to examine my work.

Today is my brother's birthday. And, as every year, mom wanted us to keep the tradition and make the cake ourselves. We decided on chocolate, Travis's favorite.

Even if he doesn't deserve anything.

I close my eyes tightly as memories flood my mind. I "visited" Jaden three more days, that's how long it took before he apparently got tired of me. He told my brother I didn't need to come anymore.

When Travis told me I would be biking to school again the next day, I asked why. Although I never thought it could happen, I literally felt my face fall when he relayed what his friend had said.

I should have been happy, but I too was shocked by the upset I felt. The bitterness worsened over the next week when I saw on Instagram how Claudia had taken my place with the visits. The redhead made sure to post a picture with them every day.

I gnashed my teeth so hard every night, I thought they would break.

Things got worse two weeks later, when Jaden returned to school and started avoiding me. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't look at me at all and didn't even greet me. He stopped coming over with Travis, as usual.

I felt like an abandoned puppy.

I hated the feeling. The whole situation. I had gotten used to his attention, even if it consisted of him terrorizing me.

It was as if something was stolen right from under my nose. I didn't understand why he was acting this way towards me, as if I ceased to exist for him.

As if I was invisible. Even though I wanted that at the beginning, now I detest the fact that he ignores me.

A week ago, I received a message from Yourdreamguy apologizing for disappearing, saying someone had hacked his account and it took a while to get it back.

Considering Jaden lost any interest in me, I started to doubt he was actually Yourdreamguy.

One evening, three weeks ago, I allowed myself to cry over him. That's when I had to admit I started liking Jaden Kostas. A huge mistake, especially since he left me hanging after stealing my heart.

Maybe it's a passing thing, which will end soon, I comforted myself momentarily.

Well, I was wrong. Everything began to intensify over time, every time I saw him in the school hallways. I was furious at him. But mostly at myself, for not understanding how I let this happen to me.

Last night, I decided I had to make an effort to get him out of my mind.

I quickly realized it wasn't the best time to start that endeavor. Being Travis's birthday, we were bound to meet, making things harder. After all, it's my brother's birthday, and he's his best friend. Of course, Jaden would come to the "surprise party" we're organizing.

This morning I woke up a bundle of stress, and all day I've been agonizing over the fact that I was going to see the monster who crept under my skin.

It's a concept that stresses me, but also brings me joy at the same time.

I almost jump when mom taps me on the shoulder. Turning to her with wide eyes, I breathe out slowly. I need to stop. He's just an idiot boy. Just Edna's son, who for four years seems to have made it his life's mission to stress me out, I try to convince myself.

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