Chpt. 18 // Of Delicate Urgency

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"I'm so sorry." I immediately apologised, letting go of my prior intent for the time being. There was an immediate haste to dissolve the lasting tension. Theos was right. I did fear this outcome, and more so, their response now that I found out the relationship that wove both individuals together. "I should've pushed against the urge to overhear the pair of you." 

Undinae would not have any of my apologies,  angrily snarling, "Begone before I-"

"No, hold on." Theos had silenced her with a flick of the wrist upon Undinae's protest. He watched me with great intrigue. His amber eyes narrowed down into a sharp, fixated gaze as he spotted something. "Please, approach us," requested Theos, "Show us that ring, my child."

I did as I was told, walking towards them before extending my hand with an open palm, leaving the ring on full display.

Something sparkled alive within Undinae's eyes, she mumbled softly, her voice drenched in amazement. "Oh my, my."

"The Phoenix-Lord's ring," Theos' voice trailed off, briefly succumbing to an unusual quietness. I caught a glimpse of something glistening in his face as he turned away in contemplation. It took the old man a moment to recover before ushering a question, "Where did you come across such a relic?"

"An elderly saleswoman gifted the trinket after I purchased a few items across her catalogue." 

Both individuals held a stunted look of disbelief.

Undinae recovered a whiff faster than Theos did. She raised a brow; her visage bore trials of scepticism, "What other kind of items did she have on offer?"

Given the interest in the ring, I found the question at hand a bit offputting. It wasn't something I had expected I'd need to answer. I delved into the memories of old, searching for a brief flash of the saleswoman's wares.

It had been some years ago—goodness, around five, perhaps six—when the vendor in question chanced upon our shores. 

The memory slowly drifted up to the surface. 

I recalled how she hadn't intended to make land on Crescent Isle, for despite its riches, she deemed her stock too eccentric for our townsfolk.

I narrowed my thoughts, honing in on the items she brought aboard her vessel.

Intricate robes, amulets, walking canes - which only now, I realised must have been Magick staves. 

Then, I recalled precisely what my purchase entailed at the time.

"I purchased a few collections of maps, some rare fabric and other materials." I paused as another snippet came to mind; the title of a book echoed in the depths of my memory alongside the emerging scent of alcohol. "Oh! And a wine-stained book, The Silver Tempest." 

Theos bit down harshly on his lip, turning away in utmost silence. His face had gone white as though his eyes fell upon a ghost.

All in all, he seemed shaken up by my comment - specifically, the name of the book. 

I wondered why, last I recalled, the piece of fiction entailed the story of a ferocious warrior who lost her sharp fangs over the years, giving up her violent roots for a life of peace and tranquillity.

I tilted my head, eagerly awaiting his reply. 

Yet it would not come for some time.

Instead, Undinae filled up the silence with a brief explanation: "The ring you possess holds significant weight, Cynthia." She paused, seemingly sensing something in the air. She closed her piercing eyes before she continued: "I see. You have encountered some strange, extraordinary anomalies as of late, no?"

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