Chpt. 11 // Frigid Aftermath

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A serene tranquillity lingered through the cavern as a tiny droplet trickled down the side of one of the overhanging stalactites. On a whim, the droplet swooped down from the ceiling, fragmenting upon kissing my skin. A wee bit rolled down my cheeks, leaving behind a wet trail, and I slowly gathered myself.

My head felt as though it was on the verge of exploding, yet I knew not why.

I reached out, gently caressing my forehead; a sticky sensation immediately struck me with a prolonged daze.

I was... bleeding?

I wondered how.

Last I recalled, Captain Wyrmheart had vanished as another man appeared.

I rolled my head, scanning the cavern room; debris was scattered across the entire floor. Large rock chunks had fallen from the ceiling, creating miniature craters sprinkled throughout the place.

Then I remembered Adelaide and Vhersio.

With a sudden haste, I glanced around but could not find any trace.

I threw myself back on my feet; a mistake, really. The world beneath my feet felt as though it were shaking violently. I couldn't find balance, nearly falling back down when someone grabbed onto my arm.

My confusion-ridden eyes faced an old man's golden irises. It was the same person who had arrived when Captain Wyrmheart disappeared just before I seemingly blacked out all so suddenly. The prospect left me both spellbound and questioning my sanity. Given the recent events, I wondered if his arrival had anything to do with my loss of consciousness.

I stumbled in place momentarily, remaining silent briefly.

"Careful now, my child," muttered the man, aiding me in stabilising. "These rugged edges leave behind nasty scars."

I dismissed his words, immediately inquiring if he knew anything regarding Adelaide and Vhersio's whereabouts. "Have you seen them? Where are they?" I hastily asked, stuttering and tumbling over my own words.

My question received a peculiar look.

Perhaps I wasn't specific enough - or I sounded like a dazed lunatic, which I wouldn't write off at this point.

"Adelaide and Vhersio," I specified, although the desperate plea within my voice remained unanswered.

The man's eyes were fixated on the ruined cavern walls. He walked on - leaving me to myself whilst approaching the back of the grotto. The man then proceeded to place his hand around the same area as Captain Wyrmheart had.

Upon touch, he flinched momentarily, his hand recoiling back as though injured.

I recovered my footing, clumsily making my way towards the man as a few crude curses escaped his lips.

"Who are you?"

The man stood silently in place, "Fret not about my identity. 'tis but a trivial matter." He halted his speech as though something had come to mind. He mouthed out a word, yet no word came to be. Instead, he continued his elaboration on the situation, "As for your friends, one of my associates has escorted the boy back to his family. On the other hand, Lady Adelaide and Lord Vhersio will be returned to Silvermoon Wharf in due time, though expect no sooner than nightfall."


Had the sun already come out?

Various questions rose to mind as I wondered how long I had been knocked out. Moreover, I did not understand why Vhersio and Adelaide could not be back sooner. It was a bizarre thought, really. After last night's brutal onslaught, the Wharf's people needed some sense of relief amidst the horrific tribulations.

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