Jungkook managed a weak smile, grateful for his mother's presence. "I'm okay, eomma," he replied, his voice hoarse.

Mrs. Jeon then turned to the nurses, "Is there anything Jungkook can have to eat?" she asked,

The nurses nodded, "Of course, Mrs. Jeon," one of them replied. "We'll bring something light for Mrs. Kim to eat."

They returned shortly afterward, carrying a tray of food that had been specially selected to be gentle on his stomach.

Mrs. Jeon watched as the nurses set the tray down on the bedside table. After doing the task the nurses bowed and left the room.

" Eomma I don't feel like eating, at all,"
Jungkook looked looking at the food and then his mother.

"Try to eat something, kook," she said gently. "It'll help keep your strength up, hmm just a few bites?"

Jungkook nodded hesitantly, though he felt no appetite after the day's events. He forced himself to take a few small bites,

Yoongi smiled softly as he spoke to Jungkook, "I will feed my brother," he said gently, picking up the spoon and scooping up a mouthful of food.

Jungkook nodded without protesting or saying anything even though he had no space left in his stomach.

Meanwhile, a soft knock on the door signaled the arrival of Taehyung, Hye-joon, and Taemin. They entered the room with slow steps.

Taemin's eyes immediately lit up at the sight of his mother, and he hurried over to Jungkook's bedside.

"Eomma!" Taemin exclaimed, his voice trembling as he threw his arms around Jungkook. The sudden movement caused a bit of juice to spill from the tray, but no one paid it any mind in the moment.

Taemin buried his face in Jungkook's chest, tears streaming down his cheeks wetting Jungkook's hospital gown.

Then Taemin leaned forward and pressed a series of gentle kisses to Jungkook's face and forehead. "D-Don't leave m-me, eom-mma," he whispered, his voice filled with desperation.

Jungkook's heart broke at the sound of Taemin's plea, and he pulled him closer, resting their foreheads together.

He hadn't forgiven Taemin just yet but but the way Taemin was requesting him not to leave, broke his heart.

He may be angry with him or mad at him, but at last he is his mother, he can't totally ignore his child especially when he is crying his heart out in Jungkook's arms.

Suddenly a nurse entered the room, her presence breaking the tender moment between Jungkook and Taemin, she delivered the news that Jungkook needed to undergo a few more tests. Jungkook nodded in understanding, mentally preparing himself for the additional procedures.

With Mrs. Jeon's assistance, Jungkook began to rise from the bed. However, his movements were halted by a sudden tug at his legs. Looking down, he saw Taemin knelt before him, his arms wrapped tightly around Jungkook's legs.

"Eom-mma, do-on't g-go," Taemin pleaded, his voice quivering with fear and desperation. Jungkook's heart clenched at the sight of his son's words, the unexpected action catching him off guard.

Taehyung, stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. "Taemin, baby, stand up," he urged, his eyes filled with concern. But Taemin remained steadfast, refusing to release his grip on Jungkook.

Jungkook reached down, his hand gently caressing Taemin's trembling shoulder. "Taemin, listen to me," he said softly, "I'm just going for some tests. I'll be back soon."

But Taemin shook his head adamantly, his eyes pleading with Jungkook to stay. "No, n-no, please no," he whimpered, his grip tightening even further.

Mr. Jeon stepped forward, attempting to pry Taemin away from Jungkook, but the young boy refused to budge.

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