CHAPTER - 28 { Finally it started }

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Y/N's POV:- I just got into a night dress, Jennie gave me a nave blue shorts and a crop top. Our sizes are same, so it fitted me. I was just laying on my bed while watching a K-drama. Suddenly someone knocked the door, my whole mood got down. I went and opened the door just to see the face I don't wanted to "what" I asked in a rude way "nothing I just- what are you doing?" He asked me while leaning to the door, I sighed "I'm very busy don't disturb" I said and was about to close the door but he pulled me closer to him by holding my waist and came inside then he closed the door and locked it "Jk what are you doing, leave me" I said while trying to come out of his grip but no use, he pulled me even closer. Our faces were just few inches away.

He looked at me and then hugged me tightly, he sniffed my scent "What happened Y/N why are you doing this to me?" He said in a low tone, I felt that I was being too much so I gave up and hugged him back. After fews secs he backed off "I'm sorry if I hurted you but please don't push me apart" he said while tugging my hair strands behind my ears. "Then why did you behave like that" this time I asked softly "did what?" I was about to talk but he carried me ( ofcourse in a bridal style ) and made me sit on the bed "mm now tell" he said and sat beside me, I chuckled by seeing his care.
"Leave nothing, why did you come here"......."I'll tell afterwards but first tell me why were you angry about me" he said while coming close "Jk it's nothing I was just angry on you because you were ignoring me in the morning and moreover you were just talking to Jennie when we were in the mall" I said with a sad pout, he pircked my cheeks "ahh Jungkook" he chuckled "so you were jealousy" he asked with a smirk "no why should I be jealously I was just angry"....."really?" He asked while rising his eyebrow "yeah"....."fine then anyway Jennie is single now-" I didn't even let him finish, I hit him on his chest and arms "fine sorry sorry" he said while holding my hands and he cuffed it "go and talk to her only why did you come here huh?" I said and kicked him "do you want me to hold your legs also"......"don't talk to me" I said while crossing my arms around my chest.

He came near me and suddenly landed his lips on mine, he was kissing very softly. At first I thought to back off but his soft lips made me lose my mind, I just gave up and kissed him back. His one hand was on my waist and the other was beside me on the bed for support. My both hands were on his waist. I can feel that he was trying to get inside my mouth and yup I gave him permission. His tongue was exploring each and every part of my mouth, after few mins we both lost our breaths and backed off.
He was lightly rubbing my cheeks while his forehead was attached to mine "I LOVE YOU" he said which made me so shocked. I backed off to see him "really?" I said with full shocked expression, he chuckled and said "yes Y/N I. LOVE. YOU" he said it word by word while holding my hands I was just lost in his words "Don't worry, I'm not asking for an answer now itself. I know you didn't expect it from me but I couldn't control my heart-" he was talking but I couldn't help myself I just kissed his lips and backed off ( it was really very quick ). He licked his lips and looked at me "shall I take it as yes" I slightly nodded "but Baby I would love if you said it by yourself" he said and wrapped his arms around my waist. I just looked down as I was very shy "I LOVE YOU TOO" I said but in a low tone "huh? I didn't heard you" he said while coming more closer. I stood up and sat on his lap and whispered in his ears "I LOVE YOU TOO JUNGKOOK".

There was a complete silence for few mins, he was hugging me and I was just lying on him. That was the most safest place for me "Jungkook" I called him and he hummed in response "aren't you sleepy"......"mmm no, are you?" He asked while looking at me "a little" he smiled and removed his hands from me "fine sleep" he said while making me feel more comfortable "and you?"......"I'll also sleep" he said and laid beside me, I slightly got up with wide eyes "here?"...."yeah why? Can't I?" He asked while coming close "I didn't mean like that but-" he didn't leave me finish and hugged me tightly while snuggling into my neck "no buts just sleep" I didn't reply as I know he will not listen to me so I just hugged him "Darling?" He called me, I smiled and hummed "yes darling" he looked up and smiled "nothing, I just wanted to tell that you are looking very hot in this dress" I hit him on his chest playfully "now sleep" I said and he nodded "Good night"........"Good night my love"

__**End Of  Y/N's POV**__

To Be Continued:-
I know this chapter is very short but I wanted to make a separate chapter for their first step in love story. Moreover I will be not able to update for next 5-6 days I'm going out as my holidays are going on. That's why I'm updating two chapters together. Hope you all liked it.
Okey I love you all byee~

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