Chapter Fifty-Five: The Enigma Follower

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"Enigmata," Jingliu realized, the term crystallizing in her mind as she beheld Adabas' transformation of the world. It was a realm of riddles and revelations, reflective of the path Adabas embodied.

Adabas, bathing in the light of Jingliu's realization, affirmed her identity. "Indeed, Jingliu. As you discern our essences, know that I walk the path of Enigmata, entwined with the mysteries of Mythus. They are the breath of my existence. Now, stand ready, O'Fated One, Nighthilt Sovereign, for the world unfurls anew at the behest of its genesis," she proclaimed, her voice resonating with the authority of her domain.


As the makeshift arena bore the brunt of celestial warfare, Pluto found herself caught in a maelstrom of emotions. The Moonlit Guardian, a formidable extension of Jingliu's will, unleashed havoc, decimating the once majestic mountain that had stood as a testament to nature's grandeur. The guardian's sword, rising from the ground, sent forth dark crescent energies that sought Holos with unerring precision, each slash a deadly harbinger of the Dark Moon's wrath.

Above them, the moon reigned supreme, its brilliance overshadowing the stars, a beacon of elegance in the turmoil that unfolded beneath its watchful gaze. Its presence, palpable and commanding, was a constant reminder of the celestial forces at play.

"How long has it been?" The thought echoed in Pluto's mind, not just a reflection on the battle's duration but a meditation on the exhilaration that pulsed through her veins. The crack of her helmet, as it succumbed to the battlefield's demands, revealed her true form. Her hair, a striking blend of pink and violet, cascaded down her back, a vision of otherworldly beauty that belied the warrior within.

This excitement, a feeling long dormant since the wars of Xianzhou, rekindled a hunger within Pluto—a desire for the clash of wills, for the dance of destruction that defined their existence.

Mono's laughter, a sound both wild and unbound, filled the air as she wielded the Griffon blade with abandon, threatening to shatter the very world with the Griffon blade, Pluto reflected on the transformative power of combat. The Path of Destruction was fully unleashed, yet the Guardian stood resolute, its frosty aura rewriting the fabric of their reality.

Yet, it was Jingliu's might that cast a shadow over Pluto's heart. The realization that her student, her sister, had reached such heights of power was both awe-inspiring and daunting. The essence of the Hunt, it seemed, thrived within Jingliu, a fact Pluto accepted with a warrior's grace; she was at peace with Jingliu's sovereignty.

Turning her focus back to the fray, Pluto channeled a pink aura, reminiscent of Lan's energy, her twin swords merging into a singular, formidable bow. The Guardian, sensing the shift, conjured a deluge of moonlit swords, aiming to overwhelm her. Yet, Pluto's agility saw her weaving through the onslaught, her arrow charged with a devastating energy.

"O'Lan, my mentor, bear witness to the might I wield in your memory," Pluto whispered to the ether, releasing the arrow with a resolve that shattered the silence. Mono's manic glee and Holos's initial concern morphed into a shared acknowledgment of the moment's gravity. The Guardian's defense, while formidable, was not invincible.

Mono, embracing the chaos, launched one final assault against the Guardian's luminescent barrier. "This is where we draw the line!" she declared, her laughter ringing out as the barrier shattered, a spectacle reminiscent of an aurora enveloping them.

As the domain teetered on the brink of annihilation, Mono's voice carried a note of farewell and triumph. "What a journey, Jingliu!" she exclaimed, her spirit unbroken even as the world they knew disintegrated around them.

In the aftermath of Pluto's decisive strike, the world around them shattered, the domain collapsing under the combined might of their final stand.


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