Chapter 14 Part 2

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Hi everyone! I know I was gone for a minute! Truly sorry for the delayed updates. Leave your thoughts about this chapter in the comments! If you like my story give a ❤️ I appreciate your feedback in a review! 

Michael's POV:

"Before we head to the new location there was some preparation that needed to be done." I stated as we entered our black Mercedes.

"What's the game plan?" Carlos my right hand man asked.

"Don't get killed," I said, as I put on my bullet proof vest under my suit.

"I'll call the men to prepare," Carlos shook his head as he replied.

I chuckled sinisterly. "It's gonna be a bloodbath."

I sighed deeply, another long, grueling journey, into the wilderness. The road was winding and narrow. At this point we were heading into the mountains driving along a narrow cliff. Rock and mountain on one side and on the next a huge cliff. one wrong move and we would all fall to our deaths. What the fuck is Michael doing in a place like this?

The other group was able to catch up to us and now we all formed one line going on this winding road. We took another left that took us to a dirt road in the woodlands. It was around midnight when we were finally able to reach a cabin in the middle of the woods. We turned off the headlights and drove in the dark with the moonlight as our only illumination. We could see that the cabin appeared to be empty with two cars in front. I guess Michael does not suspect an ambush.

"Let's be cautious men!" I advised the remaining group. Carlos and I slowly approached the large broken cabin, with guns in hand. Carlos made his way to the side of the structure. He moved like a professional, very focused and stealthy. I followed closely behind, mimicking his movements, being extra careful and focused. It was still and quiet as we slowly approached in the darkness; it was as if the entire forest held its breath awaiting this battle. The first shot rang out and that was our signal to storm the place.

And violence erupted.

Bullets sprayed from all directions, twelve of my guys came out of the bushes returning fire and keeping Michael and his goons off me. I kicked down the door and followed up with a flash bomb blinding those in that room. A second later I barged in and took out the goons in that room. My men and I completely took over Michael's goon and eradicated his minions. It was a completely one sided bloodbath.

"Michael!" I raged, "Where the fuck are you!" I made my way up the stairs as some of my men checked the two rooms on my left, I checked the big one on the right. I followed my instincts and broke down the door blasting my gun. I was right to do so because the spineless bitch-ass Michael was there trying to sneak a shot. He didn't stand a chance, a few of the bullets hit him in the leg. He ducked behind a table hiding. I followed the trail of blood, as I approached the table he swung at me with a baseball bat with nails grazing my temple. Blood ran down going into my eye, "It's gonna take more than that to take me out asshole!" I stomped on his injured leg causing it to snap at an awkward angle. I evil smile plaster on my face as I hear him cry out. His cries of pain fuel me. I replaced my gun with my long butcher's knife that was strapped at my back and began carving him up. The first couple slices in his flesh had him begging helplessly. His life was fleeting as his blood leaked from his body.

"Morelli, wait! W-WAIT!" He begged for his life. "Let me see my daughters before you kill me."

"No," was my simple reply, you don't deserve to see those precocious girls. As I positioned the knife at his neck and began cutting away. "I am going to deliver your head to Keisha on a platter," I said before he died fully.

With one final grunt and push his head was off. His eyes rolled over and mouth was hanging open.

"Boss, I think we found Sharon." Carlos came into the room I was in. "Jesus fucking Christ!" He exclaimed at the sight and the fact that I am holding Michael's head in my hand. Another one of my men came into the room, and immediately regretted it. Red splattered the walls and floor. The smell of death hung heavy in the air, causing him to gag

"Bag and secure it." I said, as I threw the head to him, the young man instantly began throwing up. I rolled my eyes and looked over to Carlos, "Take me to Sharon." I told him.

I left him in the room with the head, not bothering to spare him a second glance. I am so fucking tired, I sighed internally. Killing Michael really made me feel a release within myself. A sense of finality. A heavy weight lifted off my shoulders, and a solace reigned inside me.

Carlos led me downstairs to see Sharon, I saw her unconscious, gagged and tied up. Her clothes were torn and she had a few bruises on her.

What the fuck did they do to her! I can only imagine the 'fun' Michael and his minions were having with her.

"Release her," I ordered. "Take her to the car."

I'm done here, it's time to see Keisha.

With Sharon in the car, Carlos and I, we sped homewards.

As we reach back to the city the first thing we need to do is get the girls and Sharon checked out to ensure they are healthy. It was about five in the morning when we finally got back to the city and saw our private team of doctors waiting.

Before long we were surrounded and being assisted. I refused to be admitted. "Just get these bullets out of me, " I growled, trying to be intimidating, "focus on the females."

A few more hours went by and we were all stable. I had a couple stitches from where the bullets were removed. The doctor that was on duty came in to provide me with an update:

"Good morning Mr. Morelli, I'm Dr. Jill," She introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She says blushing a little.

I cringed internally at her blushing, does she know the severity of the situation? I rolled my eyes and looked at Carlos.

"Give us the update, Jill." Carlos says, his voice deep and demanding.

"There was a lot of ketamine and rohypnol in all three victims." she began, "The adult female, shows signs of sexual intercourse, Several of her ribs are cracked, as well as her fingers. The tendons in her right arm and left leg have been severed and she is missing her top and bottom front teeth. There are lacerations in her anus and She has countless contusions and cuts on her body." As Jill finished her report of Sharon's injuries I cannot believe my ears. I felt sick to my stomach.

"It's clear that they tortured her." I said, a bitter taste in my mouth.

"I wanna kill Michael all over again." Carlos says, frowning angrily.

"We are currently treating her but she will need prolonged care." Jill finishes.

"Did anything happened to the girls?" I asked, for the first time in my life I was truly scared to know the answer. I'm not sure what I'll do with myself if those innocent babies were harmed. I would never forgive myself.

"They were fine, no assault or trauma to their bodies. They were just overdosed. We did pump their stomachs and provided them with IV nutrients because they were dehydrated. The girls are still unconscious at the moment.

I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. To say I was relived would bee an understatement.

"When will they be released?" I asked, i needed them home as soon as possible.

"Well the girls may be released as soon as they regain consciousness-" Dr. Jill started but was cut off by Carols' impatience "What about Sharon?"

"She will need to stay admitted at least for the next two weeks until her antibiotic treatment is completed." Jill answered.

Carlos punched the wall and walked out. I know he is furious.

His reaction is a reflection of the turmoil inside me. I understand exactly how he's feeling, an innocent woman kidnapped, beaten, drugged and raped. Fuck! Michael you absolute fiend! After everything you have done this is unforgivable. couldn't you have died and leave this little family in peace. A deeply frustrated sigh left my lips as I clenched my fist.

"I'm going to check on the patients. Excuse me Sir." Dr Jill excused herself.

I pulled out my phone to call Antonio to collect the twins and myself from my private hospital. I hope you are suffering in hell you bitch. I still have a couple more hours to wait until the girls are awake again.

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