chapter 1

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It's so dark, my eyes strained in the darkness. I looked over at my beautiful daughters, although they were twins their personalities are like night and day. A smile brushed my lips as they lay sleeping peacefully beside me. I can hear the loud sounds of crickets singing their soothing lullaby, the calming sounds of the wind rustling through the leaves outside; a random owl hooted. Everything was still and calm.

Everything was calm.

Everything was still.

Then why the fuck am I so hot? I frowned as I threw the covers off. I'm careful with my movements so as not to wake my babies at this hour. Sighing, I glanced at my phone, its 3:33 am My mind flashed with images of my steamy dream. I trickle of sweat ran down the valley between my breasts. Damn it's been too long since I've had any good dick. Sitting up I reflect on the dream:

The young stud was climbing over me. Eyes so blue and bright like the warmest summer day. His skin is so dewy and smooth. Mmm, lips so damn red like the reddest cherries picked from my grandma's garden. His muscles bulged as he bent his head using his arms he spread my legs so damn wide, his breath hot on my entrance. He took his time and deeply inhaled my pussy, I twitched in anticipation. His rough hands trailed along the inside of my thigh, then he dipped his head and his drank his fill of me. A lusty moan fell from my lips, I was in need and I did not care how needy I sounded. My clitoris throbbed painfully. He kissed and sucked on my pink pearl and more juices seeped from my entrance. I gripped the sheets tightly, I cannot contain my reactions. This man was like a God, he know my body and exactly how I liked to be eaten. More moaning, damn! Suddenly his tongue dived with precision between my folds. I gripped his hair which was surprisingly silky and straight. then I rolled my hips against his mouth. My imaginary man was very pleased with this reaction as he grabbed my fleshy thighs and readjusted me. I could feel more juices leak from me, I felt as though I was drowning in my own fluids.

I was dying,

I was flying,

I was bursting,

I was imploding,

I was so close.

The pressure in my lower abdomen was too much. Then my eyes flew open. What the actual fuck? That dream was very unexpected, everything felt very vivid. Every kiss, every touch, every stroke Invoked a vicious type of horniness in me that I never knew existed. I think I came in my panties. Pushing off the bed, my body feels extra heavy as I walk in the dark to get to the bathroom. When I got there I flicked on the light and squinted my eyes against the harsh brightness. "Jesus Christ!" I whispered. After my vision adjusted I went over to the toilet to do my business. Looking down at my underwear and shorts that pooled around my knees, I noticed there was a lot of slickness in them. They were fully soaked through in my nectar. I kicked my underwear and shorts off and spread my legs wider. Knowingly using my dominant hand I began to touch myself. "I need to finish..." I say to myself, "just take the edge off a bit."

Then I slowly move my fingers over my sensitive bud. Instantly I felt a jolt of electricity run through my clit. I inserted one finger in my tight pussy and immediately started moving to pleasure myself. Instantly I heard that embarrassingly loud squelching sound. I'm so wet. Damn. Picking up the pace I finger fucked myself and I enjoyed it. Using my left hand I ran my fingers over my breasts. My top was thin, my nipples are as hard as rocks, and my huge breasts were swollen as achy. There was no one to suck and bite them for me. I quickly shrugged off that thought and redirected my thoughts. I don't need anything spoiling my mood. I grabbed my left breast and squeezed it while biting the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from moaning too loudly. More sloppy noises came from my cunt as my single digit moved with purpose. With pressure building in my abdomen, I knew I was close but yet so far away from my orgasm. I frowned, I can't make myself cum. I need something else, tears stung my eyes as I forced another finger into my little hole. My singular intention is my aim to reach my goal; the finished line my orgasm. I'm panting hard, sweat soaked through my thin top. My left hand on my breast squeezing firmly, and with my right hand, my index and middle finger dived deeply into my cunt. My brows furrowed in concentration I'm almost there.

Suddenly I heard a loud bang. Instantly I stopped all movements, removing my fingers slowly. What the fuck was that? Was it the twins that woke up? I listened keenly to my surroundings. I noticed there was a scratching sound at the bathroom door and a soft meow. Holding my heart I sighed. It's the damn cat. Misery spoiled my whole mood. Maybe I should hurry up and get out of this bathroom. Deciding to take a shower, I stepped into the bath, fully naked. My body feels extremely sensitive, my breasts are so achy and swollen it's like I went up two bra sizes. I washed my long ginger hair. I shaved my legs and my nether parts; I had to be careful because my pussy was still sensitive. Sighing frustratedly as I hopped out and went to investigate the noises.

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