Chapter 3

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"Miss. Anderson! Why are you so late? Can you not tell time, woman!" He barked, of course, I can tell time asshole. Obviously, there's a fucking legitimate reason I'm late. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"I am so sorry sir! There was so much unexpected traffic this morning," I earnestly explained as I was getting behind my desk.

"You're forty-five minutes late!" He continued as he banged his hand on my desk. I raised a brow and gave him a serious stare, what the fuck are you trying to do bitch? hit me? I swear to god I'd sue you so hard you would be able to afford tissues to wipe your ass.

He removed his hand. smart move, I may need this job but I'm no pushover. His big white brows bunched together, his face forming a frightening scowl. like a fucking chihuahua.

"I'm sorry Sir." I started my apology, trying and failing at sounding sincere. "It won't happen again." Fucking manbaby, ugh.

He huffed. History's worst boss ever.

"I have an important visit today from one of my top clients."

I nodded at him. O.K and?

"Don't mess up." Oooh, I'm so scared.

I could only nod my head again. Sigh, it pays the bills, it pays the bills. It pays my fucking bills.

That man really is a bully and I refuse to let him get to me. I have no idea who this client is supposed to be or what time he will show up. Shrugging my shoulders I settled in behind my desk and began the itinerary for the day ahead. Throughout the day I answered many calls and scheduled many meetings as well as follow up on a few cases with current clients.

It was three in the afternoon. Wow, the day really flew by. My stomach growled loudly alerting me that I literally hadn't eaten anything all day. Just as I was about to head out, two men came in men with money. I know this immediately because of the way they were dressed, overdressed would be more accurate. You could see rich plastered all over them. My eyes zeroed in on one of the men. He was wearing an elegant evening style, this single-breasted Versace blazer. With a single button closure, the tailored piece is well-fitted on him. He was tall, very tall. I couldn't really get a good look at him because he was wearing thick sunglasses. What I did notice were his prominent cheekbones and his mouth! His lips are thick, those were made of every girl's fantasy and he had a jawline carved by the gods themselves. I wanna see his eyes so badly! He was light skinned and his hair was a mess of strategic curls atop his head. His muscles bulged with each movement. He's making his way over to me!

"Hey," he started, removing his sunglasses. "Tell Makenzie that Mr. Morelli is here."

Instantly my mouth went dry. I looked into his eyes and I forgot who I was. He had a pair of the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life, they reminded me of the oceans near the arctic. This man was unnaturally handsome, beautiful even. He spoke every inch of my body vibrated. His voice sparked something primal in me, my intellect shut down and my instincts kicked in. What the fuck? His voice was so deep yet melodious, it just dances on my skin.

"Hey," he said again when I didn't move immediately. "I don't like repeating myself." He looked at me, his blue eyes were cold and piercing. He fixated those eyes on me and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Uhhh..." I could not form a fucking sentence. Keisha if you don't get it together!

I cleared my throat and shook my head a little to clear my thoughts. "Yes! Mr. Moreli. We've been expecting you! I'll let Mr. Makenzie know you are here. One moment." I tried using my professional voice, even though I sounded loud and my voice wavered a bit. I got up and banged my hip against my desk as I went to the attached door that led to Makenzie's office. What's going on with me? Why am I so worked up?

"Hi. Sir Mr. Moreli is here to see you." I say to Mr. Mackenzie. Immediately my boss perked up. "Finally my top client is here. Well? Send him in!" He waved me off. I hurried out of his office to update Mr. Morelli.

"Mr. Makenzie will see you now," I say to Mr. Hotness. My heart was racing out of my chest at this point. He winked at me, as acknowledgment as he went into the office. I noticed there was another guy with a bald head dressed in a suit as well, not as elegant but similarly expensive. He waited in the reception area, he was big, overly muscled, and he looked like he'd bust out of his clothes. He looked dangerous without actually doing or saying anything. Hell, even I'm scared to talk to him.

After a while, I figured he must be a bodyguard for Mr. Morelli. Hotness seemed like a really important guy. I wonder what they are discussing there for so long! It's been more than an hour. I sighed quietly to myself because I was hungry, my stomach growling loudly as if protesting to not having anything to eat today. No breakfast and it looks like no lunch today either. I'll just have a heavy dinner and call my mom to check on my girls. Maybe even watch a movie. After about another hour, both men emerged from the office. "Mr. Morelli, thank you for stopping by today. You can leave your number with my secretary " Makenzie was smiling from ear to ear. It was so creepy to see him so happy.

As I was making note of the number my stomach growled extremely loud and long. Everyone paused and stared at me. Please ground open and swallow me up now. Embarrassment and self-mortification filled me, my face turned red. I kept my head hung low, too ashamed to make eye contact. Makenzie's smile faltered. In the same instant, Morelli's brows bunched together.

"Miss, are you alright?" He asked.

"I haven't had lunch yet and it's almost the end of the day." I blurted out, I'm so ashamed I wanna cry.

"Is this how you treat your employees, Makenzie?" Mr. Moreli said so calmly, but somehow still able to radiate anger. Mr. Mackenzie the miniature bully says nothing. WOW. The shock that ran through me nothing could prepare me for what he said next. "Have lunch with me." He stated, he didn't ask. He pinned me with those icy blue eyes.

"Well-" I sputtered, stranger danger! "I-I, th-that's not-" My brain refuses to form another sentence. Morelli cut off my stupid sputtering. "It wasn't up for discussion." He made his way over to me. "Come on," he urged me.

"It's ok Keisha, I'll finish up here." Mr. Mackenzie says. double shocker. I cannot believe my ears, this seems unreal. I guess I'm having lunch with the mysterious man Mr. Moreli.

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